ABS-diet for a flat stomach

 Who of us does not want to have a flat stomach? And who really manage to achieve this goal? The fact that not all diets are suitable to fight fat in the abdominal area, and even fanatical sports are not always able to deliver us from the ugly fat folds, so spoil the silhouette.


Innovative power system, designed once and for all solve the problem, developed the editor in chief of the American edition of the magazine "Men's Health" David Zinchenko.

Principles of ABS-diet available and easy to perform. Hunger - the last thing that threatens dared to follow this system. Noticeable results are promised as early as 6 weeks.

So, we come to the heart:

ABS-based diet for 12 product groups, which will help you achieve optimal results. All your diet should be based on them - and certainly, at least in each of the meals have to eat 2 types of products from the list.

Try to avoid alcohol, or at least limit the use thereof 2-3 glasses per week. In addition, under a ban sugary sodas and juices of bags with added sugar.

Total should eat 6 times a day - breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks three approximately two hours after the main meal. Portion sizes are governed exclusively by your common sense.

Hungry and malnourished can not in any case, but overeating is not worth it. Still, it's a diet, although it is possible that you will not even notice. And, finally, the good news. Once a week for lunch or dinner, you can absolutely officially afford to completely forget about the rules and have everything you want!

The main products ABS-diet

1. Almonds and other nuts.

Alternative: sunflower seeds, pumpkin; avocado.

Under the ban: salted and sugared nuts.

Products of this group to help in the fight against obesity, heart disease, cancer, and even wrinkles. Are the providers of protein, monounsaturated fats, vitamin E, magnesium and phosphorus. On the day is recommended to eat up to two handfuls of nuts.

2. Legumes (beans, peas, soybeans).

Alternative: chickpeas (hummus), lentils.

Under the ban: fried beans

Help burn fat and build muscle, counteract bowel cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure and obesity.

3. Spinach and green vegetables.

Alternative: yellow, red and orange vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers.

Under the ban: vegetables, fried in oil or fat under the creamy sauce.

Vegetables are known well of vitamins, fiber, calcium and magnesium. Green vegetables besides helping netraylizovat free radicals that cause aging.

4. Low-fat and low-fat dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese).

Alternative: cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream.

Under the ban: whole milk, frozen yogurt.

Calcium, vitamins A and C, phosphorus and potassium - not a complete list of useful substances contained in dairy products. Those who eat them, not threatened osteoporosis, high blood pressure, protect them, and from cancer.

5. Oatmeal (no additives and sugar).

Alternative: other fiber-rich cereals.

Under the ban: instant porridges with additives.

Kashi contain a large amount of fiber and complex carbohydrates that feed our body with energy and is an excellent prevention of heart disease, colon cancer, diabetes.

6. Eggs.

The protein contained in eggs has high biological value. It is indispensable in the construction of the muscular system and the burning of fat. Also eggs contain vitamins A and B12.

 7. Turkey and other lean meats.

Alternative: fish and seafood.

Under the ban: sausage, bacon, ham, fatty cuts of meat.

Meat, not to say vegetarians, is an essential component of the human diet. It has protein, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium. Fish, inter alia, an indispensable source of omega-3 rich fat.

8. Peanut oil.

Alternative: oil from cashews and almonds.

Under the ban: Oil from transgenic sugar and fat mass production.

Unfortunately, peanut butter (and even in its pure form, without additives) - an extremely rare product on our shelves. If you could not find it - do not worry, it means that your diet is only 11 points.

9. Olive Oil.

Alternative: peanut oil, sunflower oil.

Under the ban: margarine, hydrogenated vegetable oils, containing transgenic oils.

The benefits of olive oil you can write a book. This is an essential element of any balanced diet. Oil supplies the body with vitamin E and saturated fat, prevent cancer, heart disease, obesity.

10. Whole grain breads and cereals.

Alternative: brown rice, wholegrain pasta.

Under the ban: products made with white flour, pastries, cereal products with additives.

Wholegrain cereals prevents the body from accumulating fat, contain fiber, protein, and vitamins necessary for the human mass. Help fight obesity, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease.

11. Raspberries and other berries.

Alternative: most fruits, especially apples and grapefruit.

Under the ban: various jams and marmalades.

Berries and fruits abound in vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. They protect your heart, improve vision, coordination and memory.

12. Protein Powder.
Alternative: no.

Under the ban: soy protein.

The only product on our list that you will not find in the supermarket. Nevertheless, at any sporting goods store help you choose from several types of powder.

As you can see, the list of products from which you can choose, making their menu is quite extensive. To diet works most effectively, follow these guidelines. Try to exercise at least three times a week. The first two weeks, until the body is reconstructed under a new system of power, you can give yourself an indulgence, but then it is advisable not to miss a workout. Be sure to include in the program of sports activities abdominal exercises.

Tags: stomach, magazine, diet review