Vegetarianism: pros and cons

 We all know that vegetarianism - it is such a power system that is based on the use of plant foods at full refusal of food of animal origin (primarily meat), but not every one of us knows enough about the benefits and harms of the power system. Women's magazine offers detailed consideration the pros and cons of vegetarianism, learn the names of famous vegetarians and vegans read the reviews of our days.

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Meat, poultry, fish and seafood food vegetarians do not eat dairy products and eggs are ignored only part of vegetarians. Below we consider the types of vegetarianism.

1.Veganism - A strictvegetarianismWhich prevents any kind of meat animals, birds, fish, seafood, eggs, milk and dairy products, and in some cases even honey.

2.Laktovegetarianstvo - A lacto-vegetarian vegetarianism, his followers consume milk and various dairy products.

3.Laktoovovegetarianstvo - A milk-egg-vegetablevegetarianism, Along with plant food to eat dairy products and eggs poultry.

It should be noted that the absoluteall kinds of vegetarianism allow heat cooking of foodAnd these differ from supporters vitarianizma - teachings on the use of only raw vegan food.

Information for those who want to become a vegetarian: you have to know how to plan your diet to consume the required amount of nutrients.It is recommended to include in your diet:

• Sprouted grains (source of B vitamins)
• tofu - bean curd (rich in high-quality vegetable protein, is a source of iron and calcium)
• calcium-rich almonds, broccoli, dried figs, soy milk with added calcium and vitamin B12
• oranges, orange juice, tomatoes, peppers, parsley and soybean products (source of vitamin C)
• complex vitamins with trace elements

Nowabout the proportions in the diet at vegetarianismRecommended the following relationship:

• 25% - raw leafy and root vegetables in season in the form of salads
• 25% - raw fresh fruit or soaked dried well;
• 25% - green and root vegetables cooked on fire
• 10% - proteins (nuts, cheese, dairy products)
• 10% - carbohydrates (all kinds of cereals and cereal products, sugar)
• 5% - fats (butter, margarine, vegetable fat)

Vegetarianism: pros and cons

The benefits of vegetarianism

Numerous studies scientists from around the world suggest that:
1) the transition to a vegan food system in 90-97% of cases prevents the development of cardiovascular disease
2) cancer of the colon and rectum, breast and uterine cancer is rare in those who consumed meat in small quantities or not eat it all
3) vegetarians are two to three times more hardy than those who eat meat, and in addition, they are three times more quickly restore power
4) vegetarianism significantly reduces the risk of several chronic diseases, including obesity, coronary artery disease, hypertension and diabetes.

Harm vegetarianism

Prolongedveganism often leads to a deficiency of iron, zinc, calcium, and certain vitamins. Even in healthy people, eliminate from your diet all foods of animal origin may develop dysbiosis, vitamin deficiencies and protein deficiency. Why so often we hear from doctors thatveganism can not be considered a balanced diet for children, adolescents, pregnant women, nursing mothers, athletes, and it does not meet the increased need for easily digestible calcium in postmenopausal women.
Hence, again, it follows that you must carefully plan your diet to consume the proper amount of material necessary for the body.

And, of course, special attention should be paid tothe negative impact of strict vegetarianism during growth of the organism. It has been said that the students vegetarian behind in their physical development of their peers, many of them have reduced hemoglobin and blood deficiency of vital compounds.

Vegetarians our days. Reviews:

"As soon as my mom stopped eating meat, she ended constant headaches!
And my guy too !!! So it shows that between headaches and meat-eating has a close relationship. "

"I am a vegetarian and exercise almost every day. Do not call to abandon meat at all, because each own boss, but I can say with certainty that no meat can live and not bad! However, please note that your child I feed meat, chicken and fish on a mandatory basis, but when my baby grows up, she will make a choice. "

"I believe that vegetarianism is not a diet, but a way of life. And without a lot of meat dishes and very pretty tasty. "

"As for the relatives of people say that it is difficult to deal with it! Initially can speak rudely, then can say that vegetarianism in general, then, well, and then ask, "What are you, even fried cutlets with fish do not sing?" But nothing, they gradually get used to! "

Vegetarians among famous personalities

Vegetarians past:
Pythagoras, Plato, Leonardo da Vinci, William Shakespeare. Isaac Newton, Vincent Van Gogh, Albert Einstein.

Vegetarians our time: Pamela Anderson, Brigitte Bardot, Danny DeVito, Cameron Diaz, Jude Law, Richard Gere, Katie Holmes, Demi Moore, Gwyneth Paltrow, Brooke Shields and many others.

Being a vegetarian or not to be named - a private matter of each of us. Importantly, be healthy and happy!

Elena Matsuk
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Review, headache, medication, vegetarian, vegetarianism, veganism