Diet Dr. Fly - a real miracle or another hoax?

 Dietomaniya - the new craze for women. Women with enthusiasm at war with his own body, becoming bigger and bigger and bigger. Pages Internet publications and women's magazines just oversaturated techniques and recommendations. And now, ladies and gentlemen - the new miracle diet Dr. Fly !!!! Women's magazine offers JustLady acquainted with this procedure and decide if you want it specifically for you or not.

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: how to reduce appetite, medicines and reducing appetite

About a wonderful opportunity to know acupuncture, perhaps, everything. Chinese doctors use acupuncture for over 5000 years, as evidenced by the excavations of the Neolithic period in the province Guydzhou. Speaking of China ... on the streets of Beijing are not many fat people. And it's not just magic needles. The Chinese, as one, big fans of Wu Shu and breathing exercises. Plus, the original kitchen, which has a huge number of spices and herbs that break down fats and eliminate toxins from the body. But that's another topic, and now back todiet doctor Fly.

The most important featurediet Fly - A golden needle, which affects certain points in the auricle blocking appetite. Diet, as the author - it's only the healing process, in which people feel not only physiological improvement. Emotional state is also improved, which again leads to greater weight loss. That is the main factor healing the body. Nameko same as saying the practice of this method, many diseases and ailments disappear completely until a benign tumor resorption. Allergies, skin diseases are, there is a normalization of sleep and disappearance of headaches - a list impress anyone. A person's willingness to top of correction determined by the physician, who develops diet and eliminating foods that lead to overweight.

After a course of treatment, the following occurs:
• weight correction
• skin tightening
• restoration of the optimal level of metabolic process
• loss of appetite
• control of the enzyme system

Numerous fans of the diet claim thatDiet Fly does not cause complications, slimming and comfortable stay. But is it?

In fairness it should be noted that this method was officially registered Ministry of Health of Russia. This means that it is deemed safe for humans.

Brochures claim thatDiet Fly does not require large financial costs and guarantee weight loss. Some patients lost 30 pounds and feel great.

With regard to finance advertising, to put it mildly, not entirely correct information feeds. The first consultation with students Mukhina costs about 7000 rubles. Given that each correction golden needle costs about 3500, if you are going to lose weight 20 kg, then it will cost more than 20,000 rubles. Put the needle for a period of 1 to 6 months. In this case, you will need to strictly adhere to the instructions. If suddenly you break the diet, your name immediately fall into the black list and work with you will not.

Conditions for successful weight loss method Mukhina not devoid of common sense. The diet consists of 11 items.
1. The ban on alcohol
2. Ban on chips
3. Prohibition of wieners and sausages
4. The ban on chocolate, sugar, butter and bread
5. Allowed vegetables, cheese and meat;
6. Prohibited dinner after 18.00
7. Enable the power on a strict schedule;
8. It is forbidden to power with TV, newspaper or book
9. It is necessary to drink 2 liters of water a day
10. enable additional fiber;
11. Recommended thorough mastication.

All this, of course, subject to the regulations, will benefit, nutritionists have always said that diet and exclusion from the menu of carbohydrate foods - is the key to guaranteed weight loss. Golden Needle also works as a psychologically supportive factor - only going to unplanned hike in the fridge, and then touched his ear, in which accessory for 7000 and appetite as the wind blew.

After the process of losing weight went, people with a lot of overweight naturally begins to sag skin. This is particularly noticeable when in the past it took more than 10 kilograms. In order to solve the problem of sagging cosmetic and used acupuncture. However, remember that the skin up to 35 years and she can cope with this problem, as yet not fully dehydrated and can be regenerated. After 40 - and needles will not help.

In general,Diet Fly - A well-constructed concept of weight loss, which has everything you need: a psychological anchor - the golden needle in the ear, financial interest - sorry paid money, health - if you follow the instructions, you can lose weight.

However, as it considers women's magazine JustLady, if you follow the same steps, you can lose weight without needles, and without payment. By waiving the cakes, pastries and alcohol - will save a lot of money. However, the majority of overweight people can not resist the desire to eat. Psychologists say that the way people compensate for some inner feelings and discomfort. There is another scientific proven fact - that women start to get fat when they feel that they do not like.

The conclusion is: Fly diet - it's real-working method, based on simple rules of proper nutrition. This method can take advantage of, and without recourse to the services of highly paid professionals, if you take into a fist. If you take a fist nothing - thenDiet Fly your chance.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: diet, library, doctor, weight loss, review, recipe, telecast, the method miracle fly