A healthy gut

 Healthy Diet for bowel normalizes metabolism, improves the body. Survive 10 days and you got the intestinal health, and, as a result of improving metabolic processes will drop 5-7 pounds! During the diet consumed vitamin C, drink plenty of non-carbonated mineral water.  

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In the diet for a healthy intestinal stick to the main rule - do not eat sugar, salt, soda, bread.

1 and Day 2 quite hungry, try to sit on a green apple, and in the evening to drink a cup of tea with a spoonful of honey.

3 day.
Breakfast: oat porridge, boiled in water without salt and sugar, a glass of mineral water.
Lunch: 200 g of boiled beef, tomato.
Dinner: 200 grams of cooked rice (can be a bit of soy sauce), a cup of tea with lemon.

4 day.
Breakfast: oat meal, a cup of coffee.
Lunch: two apples, a slice of lemon.
Dinner: apples and oranges.

5 day.
Breakfast: grated carrots drizzled with lemon juice, low-fat yogurt, 150 grams of cottage cheese, mineral water.
Lunch: baked potatoes, two boiled eggs, salad of tomatoes and cucumbers pour vegetable oil.
Dinner: 200 grams of cooked rice (can be a bit of soy sauce), a cup of tea with lemon.

6th day.
Breakfast: oat meal.
Lunch: oat meal.
Dinner: 200 g of cooked rice.

7 days.
Breakfast: a cup of coffee.
Lunch: vegetable broth, apple, 150 g of cottage cheese.
Dinner: yogurt.

Day 8.
Breakfast: oat meal, a glass of mineral water, vegetable broth, three apples, oranges.
Lunch: yogurt.
Dinner: boiled fish, two oranges, tea.

Day 9.
Breakfast: yogurt.
Lunch: fish, tea.
Dinner: 200 g of boiled beef, rice, three apples.

10 day.
breakfast. kefir.
Lunch: tea with honey.
Dinner: rice, orange and lemon slice.

Diet is best not observed during heavy work or exercise.

Tags: intestines