The Kremlin diet - How to Lose Weight on the Kremlin diet

 Do not consider those who dream and who can not part with overweight. Now sit on a diet all - from housewives to government officials. But the main disadvantage of the majority fashionable power systems - debilitating hunger. The essence of the Kremlin diet is that meat can have an unlimited amount, but severely restrict carbohydrate intake.

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Perhaps you've heard of some magical diet in conventional units (in. E.), Based on the fact that eating 40 y. e. a day, a month, you can lose up to 10 kg.
With a diet of 40 y. e. You can lose weight in 8 days at 5-6 kg. However, it is not at all about the new product. This method has been successfully tested for a long time hudeniya Russian officials still Soviet times, because he was called Kremlin diet.

The main slogan of the Kremlin diet: "Lean on caruncle - and reduce puztso!"

The algorithm of the Kremlin diet is fundamentally contrary to the basic principles of nutritionists who claim that first need to limit yourself in meat, butter, eggs, fats.

The Kremlin diet requires an entirely different - to limit the intake of carbohydrates. The scientific explanation of such an approach, of course, is: when is sharply limited intake of carbohydrates - and they are the first source of energy - it will immediately begin to process the accumulated fat reserves. Therefore, this diet belongs to the category of low-carb.

It is necessary to exclude or limit foods that contain carbohydrates. But there are plenty proteins can, t. E. A lot of meat, poultry, fish, cheese, eggs. You can also use vegetable oil, nuts, fruits and vegetables are low in carbohydrates. Avoid sugary, flour, potato dishes, bread, rice and limit the first fruits, vegetables and juices (which a lot of carbohydrates).

Sitting on the Kremlin diet, you can have dinner and late night. Even with a dry wine. The beauty of it lies in the fact that it is not painted on the clock, grams, calories. Therefore, to break the usual routine is not necessary. From the list, too, can make big steps right, left. The main thing that was in the products as little as possible of carbohydrates.

1 y. e. in the Kremlin diet is 1 g of carbohydrates.

Stages Kremlin diet

First step lasts at least 2 weeks. Reduce your intake of carbohydrates to 20 y. e. per day. Completely excluded from the diet of fruits, flour products, starchy vegetables (potatoes, corn) and sweets. But meat, fish, eggs, cheese, butter can be eaten in any form and in any quantity. 14 days some people manage to lose up to 10 kg. Some - only 1, 5 kg. It depends on the characteristics of your body.

If you lose weight slowly, the first step may be to continue - the term of the first stage depends on your. health. If you are satisfied with the rate of weight loss, go to the next step.

Second leg - Gradually add vegetables to the menu, then nuts, seeds and berries. Does not add more than 5 at. e. a week and do not forget from time to time to get up on the scales.
Eat regular meals, not fast more than 6 hours, not eating one's fill.
Began to gain weight - go back to the starting point, at 20. e. Again, again covered.

Finally, you find that you have left to lose nothing at all - 2 kg. Now do not rush! After all, your goal - not just to achieve the desired weight, and constant maintenance of it at this level.

The third stage. It is better to stretch it for 2-3 months (until you reset the last kilograms). You can add 10 y. e. a week. The slower the process, the better. At this stage, you should determine how many carbs per day you can afford (without prejudice to the figure). Most people have 60 suits. e. per day.

The fourth stage. It's easy to break and return to old habits. Of course, you can afford a piece of cake, but only for a holiday.

Code power of the Kremlin diet

How to use it in practice? You will have to carefully study the labels on packages, jars, bottles. They pointed out the nutritional value of the product, the content of protein, fat, carbohydrates per 100 g

Let's say you decide to buy a miracle yogurt with strawberries. The label says that 100 g of the product contain 16, 1 g carbohydrate. A package of yogurt 125g Therefore, your package pulls 20 grams of carbohydrates (in. E.). Think - if you ate the day 2 of yogurt containers, the daily dose is made.

However, we note one more thing: in the yogurt you purchased includes sugar. And the sugar in the Kremlin diet is not welcome. One piece of sugar a day "absorbs" all of your daily diet.

After a terrible sweet tooth for prevention is to follow, as you know, in the estimation of y. e. the most commonly used products.

Bread - a taboo! 100 g of white bread - 48 y. e., t. e. ate - and all day you are freed from the need to eat. 100 grams of black bread - 40 y. e.

Forget about cereals. Semolina porridge, barley, millet, pasta, rice - all of these side dishes and breakfast excluded, since they exceed 40 in. e.

Meat you can eat as much as you want - if it is boiled and without sauces. Ideally, the portion size and thickness to fit your palm.

Sausage all grades of 100 g - only 1 ye
Ham - as much.

Vegetable oil (hereafter we will talk about 100g) - 0 y. e., margarine - 1 y. e., mayonnaise - 2, y 6. e., cheeses of different varieties - 0, 5-2 y. e., one egg - 0, 5 in. e.

The fish can be eaten without restriction, but do not get carried away with fish in tomato sauce (100 g fish - 6 in. E.).

With vegetables is much more complicated. In one tomato - 6 y. e. In one green peppers - 9 y. e., in one potato - as much as 23 at. e. And about the fries do not even remember.
Broth (chicken, beef, beef) can slurp all day - 0 y. e. But in one serving of soup (vegetable, pea, and even fish) - from 12 to 16 y. e. Even in a simple boiled cabbage - 9 y. e.

A little better, and fruit. One apple at -18. e., and in the pear - as much as 25 in. e.

It is safe to drink mineral water, coffee, tea (without sugar). About lemonade should be forgotten! But natural wine (250 ml.) - 1 ye The same amount of 150 ml. whiskey.

Last - sweet. More precisely, its absence. 100 g of ice cream - 70 y. e. A piece of cream cake or cake - 62 y. e.

Agrees that such a diet for a sweet tooth just tragic. But, just like any other - try to remember at least one diet, providing a diet of sweet dishes. However, the advantage of this diet is that the basis of the principle of it, the most important for people who combine diet with an active employment.

You will not have to miss lunch, breakfast, dinner. Can snack nuts or apples. Moreover, dieting does not deprive you the possibility to go almost every day to visit, participate in parties and picnics.

Suffice it to carefully examine the lists and tables of products, and to make for itself a "black list" of those foods or combinations of foods that you will not put on his plate, and spirits, which do you prefer, based on contained therein have. e.

Here are some of the principles of the Kremlin diet:

Salt in this diet, unlike sugar "white death" is not. Solite, but in moderation.

Daily drink 1, 5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water.

In no case did not become a fan of weight loss and do not cut the number of "conventional units" to a minimum - the body has to get everything you need.

Do not seek to have only low-calorie foods - combine them with high-calorie.

Do not give up entirely of vegetables and fruit, otherwise you will not have enough vitamins.

The first temptation: In portions of meat - a zero conventional units. So, you can eat at a time and kilogram. You can. But it is better to know the measure. The same applies to alcohol. In units of vodka a little, but from her appetite is played. With a snack can go too far.

Eat plenty, not fast. You can have dinner and after midnight. The main thing that the body was comfortable. But soon you will notice that about a month and a half you will not want to eat much. The body gets used to the smaller portions.

Would bring the weight to the desired condition, then increase to 60 in the diet. e. per day. The choice you have left.

Remember that all boiled preferably roasted and stewed, and the right thing - to cook in a double boiler: fast, convenient, useful and tasty.

If without the sweet world collapses permissible 1-2 spoons of honey, it is absorbed differently than sugar; once a week a little jelly, marshmallow, marshmallow. Should abandon all teas for weight loss. Very often they give complications appear intestinal ulcers. Possible loss on their use of short-lived, and says it is not about what you get rid of excess fat, and that the necessary body fluids lost.

Lose Weight on the Kremlin diet is easy. The most important and difficult - a way out of it, because this particular diet.

If you just pounce on fruit and sweet juices, which, of course, very drawn, the result as quickly disappear. Therefore, one who is serious about itself, must consult a doctor and find out how to get out of this diet with the least harm for health, how to make it interrupt has not led to a strong weight gain. After all this, unfortunately, ends most of the restrictions in food and hunger strikes.

Alas, the Kremlin diet is not for everyone. In particular, it is contraindicated for those who have kidney problems.

Extreme caution should be those who have a chronic disease of the intestine, heart, stomach, and "saharozavisimye" people who have no sugar depressed.
The Kremlin diet is not recommended for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Kremlin diet menu for the week

ProductsPoints (conv. Units).ProductsPoints (conv. Units).


Beans2, 5
Wheaten50Corn14, 5
Rye34Green Olives5
Armenian lavash56Caviar squash8 5
Diabetic38Eggplant caviar5
Grain Bread43Caviar from beets2
Bun51Salad with seaweed4
Bagels58Peppers stuffed with vegetables,11
Drying68Tomato paste19
Straw sweet69


Cream crackers66Sugar, refined99
Rye cakes43Honey75
Wheat flour68Paste80
Wheat flour67Halva55
Seeded rye flour64Sponge cake50
Corn flour70Almond cake45
Soya flour16Cake with cream62
Potato starch79Butter Cookies75
Corn starch85Gingerbread custard77
Pasta69Waffles with fruit80
Egg noodles68Waffles usual65


Fruit ice cream25
Buckwheat62Ice cream popsicle20
Buckwheat (slipped)65Ice Cream22
Oatmeal49Milk chocolate54
"Hercules"50Dark chocolate50
Pearl66Chocolate with nuts48
Millet66Candy, chocolate51
Shelling peas50Caramel with filling92
Beans46Condensed milk56

Meat, poultry

Apple jam66
Beef, veal0Strawberry jam71
Lamb, pork0Raspberry jam71
Geese, ducks0Jam68
Rabbit0Jam Diabetic3
Chicken0Apple jam65
Meat in breadcrumbs5Jam Diabetic9
Meat with flour sauce6


Beef liver0Quince8
Chicken liver1, 5Cherry-plum6 5
Steak0Pineapple11, 5
Beef Wieners1, 5Orange8
Pork sausages2Banana21
Sausages milk1, 5Cherry10
Sausage "Doctor"1, 5Grapefruit6 5
Loin0Pear9 5
Language pork, beef0Kiwi10
Pork legs0Dogwood9
Eggs in any form (piece)0 5Lemon3

Fish, seafood

Fish fresh, frozen (river, sea)0Peach9 5
Boiled fish0Nectarine13
Fish in breadcrumbs12Rowan8 5
Smoked fish0Black chokeberry11
Crabs2Plum9 5
Fish in tomato sauce6Dates68
Oysters7Cherry10, 5
Squids4Apples9 5
Shrimp0Dried apricots55
Black Caviar0Prune58
Red caviar0Dried Pears49
Laminaria1Dried apples45


Dried apricots53
Pasteurized milk4 7


Baked milk4 7Cowberry8
Sour Cream3Blueberry7
Fat cottage cheese2, 8Blackberries4, 5
Low-fat cottage cheese1: 8Strawberry6 5
Cottage cheese diet1Cranberry4
Curd sweet15Gooseberry9
Glazed curds32Raspberry8
Kefir, sour3 2Cloudberry6
Yogurt without sugar3, 5Sea buckthorn5
Sweet yogurt8 5White currant8
Different varieties of cheese0 5 - 2Red currant7, 5
Butter1, 3Blackcurrant7, 5
Mayonnaise table2, 6Rosehip fresh10
Vegetable oil0Dried rosehips21, 5



Green Peas12Almonds11
Cabbage kohlrabi8Sesame seeds20
Cabbage5Pumpkin seeds12
String beans3Sunflower seeds18


Pumpkin4Mineral water0
Squash4Tea, coffee without sugar0
Daikon (Chinese radish)1Apple juice7, 5
Tomatoes4Orange juice12
Green bell pepper5Grape juice14
Sweet red pepper5Tomato juice3, 5
Fresh cucumber3Grapefruit juice8
Leek6 5Tangerine juice9
Onions9Pomegranate juice14
Green onion3, 5Prune juice16
Parsley (Green)8Prune juice with pulp11
Parsley (root)10, 5Cherry juice11, 5
Radishes4Apricot juice14
Radish6 5Carrot juice6
Turnip5Apricot Compote21
Lettuce leaf2Compote of grapes19
Beet9Cherry Compote24
Celery (root)6Pear compote18
Celery (green)2Apple compote19
Asparagus3Compote on xylitol6
Horseradish7, 5


Wild leek6Dry red wine1
Garlic5Dry white wine1
Potato16250 g of beer12
Spinach2Liquor 60 g18


White1Cognac, brandy0
Dried White7, 5Rum0
Fresh mushrooms1Tequila0
Fresh chanterelles1, 5

Spices, seasonings

Fresh boletus0 5Cinnamon (1 tsp.)0 5
Fresh mushrooms0 5Chili powder (1 tsp.)0 5
Boletus1, 5Vinegar (1 tbsp. Spoon)2, 3
Dried boletus14Apple vinegar (1 tbsp. Spoon)1
Aspen fresh1White wine vinegar (1 tbsp. Spoon)1, 5
Aspen Dried13Red wine vinegar (1 tbsp. Spoon)0
Saffron milk cap0 5Mustard (1 tbsp. Spoon)0 5
Morels0, 2Cranberry sauce (1 tbsp. Spoon)6 5
Russule1, 5Capers (1 tbsp. Spoon)0 4
Mushrooms0, 1Ginger root (1 tbsp. Spoon)0, 8

SOUP (500 g)

Horseradish (1 tbsp. Spoon)0 4
Chicken broth, meat0Ketchup (1 tbsp. Spoon)4
Tomato soup17Soy sauce (1 tbsp. Spoon)1
Vegetable soup16BBQ sauce (1 tbsp. Spoon)1: 8
Pea soup20Sweet and sour sauce
Goulash soup12(1/4 cup)15
Mushroom soup15Tomato sauce (1/4 cup)3, 5
Green cabbage12Tartar sauce (1 tbsp. Spoon)0 5


Meat sauce (based broth, 1/4 cup)3
Fish0Herbs (1 tbsp. Spoon)0, 1
Green peas6 5

Tags: diet