Tatiana Tarasova: how to lose weight professionally

Tatiana Tarasova: how to lose weight professionally
 Diet Tatiana Tarasova, famous figure skating coach, is now one of the most popular on the Internet, and it allows you to "throw" neither more nor less - 30 kg in a fairly short time, and after the release of her pounds do not come back with the speed of light.

Photos Tatiana Tarasova eloquent testimony to the fact that this diet is really very effective, so learn about the details of her dream of millions of women. And Tatiana Tarasova shared with them their secrets.

The author of this diet is Queen Margaret, the Russian nutritionist, is not the first year working with famous people, and knowing the characteristics of their professional and personal lives (touring, long working hours, night life, constant stress, etc.). Diet of Queen Marguerite always strictly individual, therefore designed to meet all the physiological features of Tatiana, her health and taking into account the daily physical activity.

Sitting on a diet, you must follow these simple rules. There must be exactly five times a day - breakfast, lunch, dinner, afternoon tea, dinner, but each portion must be very small and fit in one glass, but the water you need to consume at least 2 liters per day, of which one liter goes on something to drink 200 ml of water before a meal. It is possible to use mineral carbonated or non-carbonated water or plain boiled water vodichku from a natural source. In addition to water diet Tatiana Tarasova allows the use of herbal teas and natural juices.

When planning a meal schedule, we must remember that dinner need not later than 18.00, regardless of when it started working day.

Tatiana Tarasova diet strictly prohibits the use of all kinds of sweets (except honey), as well as bakery products (except rye crackers and pastas made from durum wheat).

Overeat on this diet can not in any case, even if we are talking about the allowed foods list, which assigns a nutritionist. It may include fruit and vegetables, meat products, rice and other dietary products. By the way, according to the diet Tatiana Tarasova, the number of calories in each serving also defines a nutritionist.

Finally, the duration of the diet Tatiana Tarasova has no strict time limits. The doctor will regularly monitor the weight and decide how long will last the diet, for example, Tatiana managed to lose more than 30 pounds in 4-5 months.

Tags: system, diet, food, margaritas, pounds, Tatiana