Salt baths for weight loss

 Salt bath - a type of therapy, are treated by means of fatigue and depression, hypertension, and diseases of the joints, spinal disorders and cardiovascular systems. And this is not a complete list of ailments that help ease the bath with salt. Today women's magazine JustLady consider another option of applying this wonderful tool - salt baths for weight loss.

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: Food of the 19th century

I think you need to specify in advance whatsalt bath for weight loss will have little effect if it is used alone, without any additional procedures, diet, physical activity. But in the complex - an excellent tool to lose weight, cleanse the body, improve metabolism and skin tone.

It is believed thatsalt baths slimming best to choose sea salt. The main element of any chemical salt is sodium chloride, the content in this matter above all others.

In addition of sea salt are present:

- Potassium, which together with sodium helps cleanse the cells from the decay products;
- Bromine, which has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps in the treatment of skin diseases;
- Calcium, beneficial effects on the nervous system, strengthens cell membranes;
- Iodine, helps to remove cholesterol, has antimicrobial activity;
- Magnesium, improves cellular metabolism that stops allergic reactions.

Due to its properties, sea salt helps to improve skin condition, tightens it cleanses, improves tone, makes smooth and fresh. Salt also acts as a stimulus to the nerve endings in the superficial layers of the skin, which helps to stimulate the metabolism. Saline solution cleanses the body of toxins, calms the nerves, strengthens the body's immune.

Bath with salt diet take, pre-clearing body scrub in the shower and opolosnuvshis, as after taking a bath to wash off the solution is not recommended. Depending on the desired effect is taken from 0, 1 and 1 kg of sea salt to the bath. It should be borne in mind that the upper body (heart region) must be above the water, different problems may occur with pressure.

The recommended temperaturesalt baths slimming - 35-39 degrees. Here also need to bear in mind that a hot tub provide a relaxing effect and cool - a tonic. Time reception procedure typically 10-20 minutes. Course of procedures - 10-15 baths that take a day or 2-3 times a week.

As well helps in the fight against excess weight bath with Dead Sea salt. This type of procedure is mainly recommended for those who are struggling with cellulite. Unlike the Dead Sea salts that sodium content in it is lower than in ordinary sea and, hence, it is more gentle on the skin, it does not dry. But in a lot of Dead Sea salt, magnesium, iodine, calcium and iron.

Salt baths for weight loss in this case must be taken twice a week, the water temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. 0, 5 kg Dead Sea salts are diluted in a small amount of hot water, and then poured into the bath. The procedure lasts 20 minutes, after which you can wash off with warm water solution and lay down under a warm blanket for 30-40 minutes.

It is also useful to takesalt bath for weight loss with essential oils. Weight loss and eliminate cellulite, as you probably know, promote citrus oils: mandarin, orange, grapefruit. They are added to the salt, thoroughly stirred and left for a while to complete interpenetration. When adding the mixture of oil and salt in the water immediately after mixing the oil and forms depart water film.

Salt baths for weight lossHowever, it is possible not only to receive and sea salt. If you can not get natural sea salt (not vaporized), it will fit perfectly and ordinary cooking. Let it be the content of other nutrients and not so high, but the main function to improve and cleanse the skin and stimulate the metabolism, it is made.

Salt baths for weight loss

Now here are a few recipes salt baths for weight loss.

Salt bath for weight loss with sea salt

In hot water, dissolve 350 g of sea salt, pour the solution into the bath, check the temperature of the water - we recommend no more than 37 degrees. Pre-clearing body scrub (coffee, cream and salt, others) and opolosnuvshis shower, lying in the bath for 15-20 minutes.

Check the condition of the skin: If you experience irritation, it is better to reduce the salt concentration. According to the reviews, if you take a bath at night, in the morning it will be possible to detect plummet to 0, 5 kg.

Salt bath for weight loss with soda

For this bath can be used ordinary table salt.
Take 150-300 grams of salt, 125-200 g of ordinary baking soda and add to the bath. Time of treatment - 10 minutes. Before receiving a salt bath for weight loss is not recommended to have about 1, 5-2 hours after ingestion is also desirable to refrain from prima food at same time.

While taking a bath, you can drink a cup of herbal tea or ordinary sugar - this will help take excess water. As is known, salt baths slimming contribute to the conclusion of excess fluid, which also contributes to weight-loss.

After the bath, immediately recommended a good bundle up and relax at least half an hour.

In conclusion, to clarify thatbath with salt diet should not be taken without consulting a doctor for those who have severe heart disease, blood pressure problems. Although these diseases are also treated with a salt bath, but in these cases, the expert selects strictly solution concentration, time and temperature of the water treatments. Better not to experiment on their own.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: bath, salt, diet soda, solution, weight loss, review, weight loss