Meals autumn: Stored nutrients

 As the proverb says, all the time. Summer granted us warmth and sunlight, fruits and vegetables in abundance. Our body itself is trying to cope with the extra pounds without any effort on our part. But as soon as it is time to fall, and we felt the first cold, the body began to behave quite differently. His main desire was to stock up on nutrients in as many as possible. And now the ordinary mode automatically switched to power amplification. In order not to lose their ideal forms and turned out to support the immune system, you need the right approach to his autumn diet, adjust the menu to include only useful and at the same time nutritious foods.

Heart immunity

To gather the necessary supply of nutrients, with no visible indicators in the form of "rings of Saturn" on our sides, and at the same time to have good health, it is important to know the distribution center of these nutrients. It turns out that it depends on the condition of the colon. It is there that is the bulk of beneficial microflora, contributing to the further process of enrichment of the organism valuable substances, and another part - in the small intestine. However, along with useful course there are other representatives microflora - pathogenic.

 If the number of pathogenic organisms for some reason increases beneficial microflora may be in danger. And then instead of good health and attractive appearance we get the opposite.

Negative consequences

What do we, if broken microflora? The result will multiply pathogenic invaders that compared us feel good, contact the following occurs:

1. Immediately enemies appear from the outside - colds, flu and other acute respiratory viral infections.
2. Exacerbated by a variety of chronic diseases.
3. Appear flatulence and various negative manifestations in the gastrointestinal tract.
4. Suffers from headaches, fatigue, poor sleep and so forth.
5. There are problems with the skin.

Nobody wants a problem, especially when it comes to health. Therefore, in order to keep your heart rate in immunity and do not let the "bad" bacteria lead free lifestyle will concentrate on useful products.

Pleasant and healthy meal!

Let's start with the vegetables. Now their range in the stores is very rich, do not hesitate and choose whatever your heart desires. All vegetables are good in their own way, and contains a variety of vitamins and rich in fiber, on which live beneficial bacteria. For Example:

1. Tomatoes

Contain valuable fiber, vitamins A, B, C and E, rich in potassium, calcium and phosphorus. Tomato juice is considered a rejuvenating elixir for the skin, good for the health of the heart and kidneys. Therefore, there is even a tomato diet, with which you can easily lose weight. Tomatoes are encouraged to eat only raw.

2. Beet

Like tomatoes, contains fiber, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, plus iron, zinc, folic acid and vitamins, starting with C, which is just very necessary in the autumn, vitamins B1, B5, PP, E ... Oh wonderful the impact of beet on our body, probably all heard. This strong bones, healthy teeth, preventing anemia and even cancer. And that especially want to emphasize good cleansing of the body.

3. Brussels sprouts

Rich in vitamin C, A and B, potassium, phosphorus, iron and folic acid, contributing to the maintenance of the nervous system in order. It is also well burns fat and prevents constipation.

Also, do not forget to include in your diet red pepper, yellow, sweet, spicy, cauliflower, cucumbers, greens and everything that you love and think is necessary vegetables.

4. Seeds and nuts

Next equally important components of the autumn diet - seeds and nuts. You can include in your menu any - pumpkin, sunflower seeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts ... All they contain vegetable fats and fiber. Particularly useful are simply dried nuts and seeds.

5. Dairy products

At least once a day, drink a cup of yogurt, sour milk, yoghurt. This is a great help for beneficial bacteria to your intestines. Thanks fermented drinks their number increases, which ensures the normal functioning of the organism.

6. Garnish

To select the best side dishes buckwheat, if rice is brown, wheat, oatmeal, etc.. Fans of potatoes can be baked it in the oven: it contains potassium, which stimulates peristalsis.

7. Meat dishes

Although there is the concept of "stock up fat for the winter," do not abuse, and select the menu for your autumn beef, poultry and fish.

8. Useful drinks

Autumn - time rose, more precisely, its harvest. You can get two pleasures in one. The first - a beneficial effect, leaving the nature of where you are in the collection of the hips, and the second - vitamin drink from it. Do not forget about alkaline mineral waters, such as "Mirgorodskaya" or analogs of "Borjomi".

What foods do you think the most important in enriching the body with nutrients? What can you advise to include the rest of the readers in the autumn diet? Discuss in a review to the article!

Tags: autumn, nutrition, substance