Mania healthy eating: is it always healthy?

Mania healthy eating: is it always healthy?
 Talk about healthy eating some insanely annoying, others are indifferent to this issue in view of the fact that adhere to their own point of view, while others are willing to not only talk about it, but also to apply all that hear his life.
 Has always been that those who adhere to a healthy lifestyle - people motivated, with strong willpower and responsible attitude to your body and health. But it turns out that is not so great as it seems at first glance, because everything should be in moderation.

About 15 years ago there was a new term in medicine - "Orthorexia nervosa." In Greek this phrase means "correct appetite." But along with such serious diseases as anorexia and bulimia, ortoreksiya refers to eating disorders. People suffering from it, have an obsession to eat properly. They focused on finding a healthy and wholesome food. Although they all agree that the need to eat right, but each has its own special ortoreksik concepts. For example, some refuse to eat animal products to protect themselves from the negative energy of animals, others are more concerned about the purity of food products to the extent that they eat only those fruits and vegetables that are grown on their own.

But it is good to have if such an approach to nutrition? If we look superficially and not delve into - yes. And if you look into the matter in detail, it will be obvious that such a focus of the mind is not only beneficial, but also harm humans. After all, if we are talking about mania - mental disorder due to excessive concentration on anything - you can not say that it was good. A person suffering ortoreksiey unequivocally waives certain products, namely, they can be vitamins and minerals, the lack of which undermines health. Also, these people are usually alone and are an indoor lifestyle, because few people understand them, support and share their beliefs.

Of course, monitor their diet is correct and reasonable, especially in the age of preservatives, flavor enhancers and supplements. But if sometimes afford something harmful in small numbers (so to speak, to bring down the desire), nothing fatal in this will not happen. In addition to the use of human needs also to enjoy the food he eats. Therefore it is reasonable to be objective about nutrition.

Tags: nutrition