Kashevogo diet: how to bring the weight back to normal

 Kashevogo diet - one comfortable way of cleaning the body. Kashi have the effect of brush that scrapes the walls of the internal organs of toxins, toxins and carries them with him. To achieve the desired effect in 10 days you should not eat anything but cereal: rice, buckwheat, pshёnnoy, wheat. Thus it is possible with a clear conscience to choose which cereals are in a given day. So, if you, for example, loves buckwheat, you can have it all on the health of at least ten days.  

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Before cooking grits should be rinsed thoroughly and cook porridge only on the water, without salt, spices, milk and butter. It is important that the porridge was cooked as you can land, not boiled. Then the previously mentioned effect of the brush will only intensify.

Kashevogo diet - is not starving, you can eat as much and whenever you want. When you see the slightest feeling of hunger immediately put a spoonful of porridge into his mouth - so you keep the continuity of the cleaning process. Therefore, going to work, for a walk with your child, even a concert or disco, carry a pot of porridge.

Starve, even a short time, you can not Kashevogo diet. Drink should be as small as possible, with only water, better mineral, and only half an hour before meals or after 30 minutes.

It's a tough test for your body and it must be prepared in advance. First of all, tune psychologically. In addition to physical discomfort - weakness, headache - may be a sense of self-pity, the oppressed, even depression. It's OK.

Today, the world's leading nutritionists proved that the cause of most diseases of internal organs - their intoxication, or simply pollution. The more toxins accumulated in the body, so it is worse to cope with the bad bacteria that cause inflammation, and therefore, the weaker its protective reaction.

The most complete food, which should be the basis of our food - vegetable. And to prevail in our diet should not even vegetables and fruits, and grains as raw and cooked, ie cereal. They are easily digested and readily excreted. Not accidentally dietitians at a variety of diseases appoint a mixed diet of vegetables, fruits and cereals, to cleanse the body and help fight disease. In this case, the more severe the disease, the greater the percentage of cereal shall be held in therapeutic diets.

Ideally, every cell in our body has to get the whole set of essential minerals, but of the 124 elements in the periodic table, we get a day not more than 10-15. This is due to the fact that much of our food is usually comprise meat products which do not contain all of the necessary substances. So we have a chronic shortage of micronutrients and body over the years working in uncomfortable conditions.

Outwardly, this deficiency may not manifest itself: you do not feel discomfort, seemingly healthy, even rozovoschёki, but goes unnoticed within the work of destruction. What to do? Remember that the cereal - it is very energy intensive food, and periodically "clean" with their help the body while energizing the cells micronutrients. As a result of such simple procedures as Kashevogo mono-diet, the balance of trace elements in the cells is reduced and they start to work in full mode. The energy balance provides a gradual cleansing, and thus improvement of the whole organism.

Tags: diet