Is it possible to lose weight at a slow metabolism?

 Dieting with minimal or no result thereof discourage anyone. You start to blame for failing to lose their weak will, and at the same time and unprofessional compilers of any diets. In fact, this fault can be a so-called metabolic syndrome, i.e. slow metabolism.

Queen Margaret's diet

There are many factors which, in their combination leads to a slower metabolism. During slow metabolism your body more calories than usual, is not metabolized and stored as fat reserves.

Unfortunately, to determine whether you have slowed metabolism or not, is difficult. Since the rate of metabolism affects so many factors, then make direct tests is not possible. However, in some cases, may be suspected metabolic syndrome, if for some set of factors, you are at risk.

Women slowing metabolism is quite common, perhaps due to the influence of certain hormones. To determine whether you have slowed metabolism or not, it is necessary to make some simple tests, including blood.

At risk of metabolic syndrome include men and women who have:

1. Waist more than 85 cm for women and 100 cm in men.

2. Blood pressure greater than 130/85 mm Hg. Art.

3. Fasting blood sugar more than 6.1 mmol / L.

4. Increased blood triglycerides more than 1.7 mmol / L.

5. Reduced HDL of less than 1 mmol / L for men and less than 1.3 mmol / L for women.

It is worth to consult and endocrinologist. Approximately one in five women in middle age suffer a decrease in thyroid function, and many know and do not suspect. The thyroid gland controls metabolism, and one of the signs of reducing its function may be the inability to lose weight.

Of course, the metabolism slows with age in most people. But a slow metabolism can not justify the extra weight. Nutritionists believe that if you watch what you eat right and exercise, medical conditions taking appropriate medications or supplements, you can maintain a healthy metabolism throughout life. And it can accelerate at any age.

How to lose weight at a slower metabolism:

1. Eat a diet low in fat.

2. Increase your intake of protein and eat protein foods with each meal. The increased protein content in each meal accelerates metabolism. For protein digestion digestive system requires more energy to digest than fats or, for example, starch, so it burns more calories.

3. Reduce your intake of sugar.

4. Reduce your intake of caffeine.

5. Increase your intake of fiber.

6. Drink more water. With a daily intake of at least 1, 5 liters of water, the metabolism is accelerated by 20-30%.

7. Eat fractional. Metabolism slows down, if the interval between meals is more than 3 hours. Of course, it is not necessary every 3 hours tightly dinner, from this you can not lose weight, but to drink a cup of yogurt or eat a banana would be very helpful.

8. Work out daily moderate physical exercise - 30 minutes to 1 hour just to go walking briskly.

9. At least 2 times a week to do weight training.

10. Learn to reduce stress and relax.

It is also believed that some foods can help normalize the metabolism. So whether it's real or not, is still in question. However, these products harm in moderate amounts will not be exact.So why not try to include in your diet:

- Grapefruit;
- Pineapple;
- Green tea;
- Cinnamon;
- Red pepper;
- Low-fat dairy products;
- Fatty fish varieties;
- Pumpkin;
- Nuts?

But alcohol, on the contrary, only slow down your metabolism.

Practising metabolism

Physical activity most directly affect metabolism. The most effective way to boost metabolism - it's weight training: training with weight lifting exercises for strength training equipment or resistance training. Strength training also increases your metabolism at rest, that is, for example, when you are just sitting. Normal metabolic rate at rest allows you to burn fat even when you are not doing anything. After weight training your metabolism stays elevated even after about two hours.

But another trick is that the body quickly gets used to the same exercises and again begins to slow down the rate of metabolism. To "trick" the body, you will have all the time to make changes in their training: increase the duration, the number of reps or weight weights.

It is also useful from time to time to replace weight training intensity aerobic load: jogging, swimming, walking, dancing, etc. Because your body is not used to the new activity and to load new types of muscle, it will work with a vengeance, and will remain in this state for a longer time after the workout.

Marina Al-Rabac

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