How to gain weight?

 In this era of total weight loss and the race for a slender figure, oddly enough, there were people who aspire to the opposite goal - to gain weight. Intentional weight gain necessary for those whose weight is so far from the norm, that is a threat to health and even life. However, to lose weight or get better - the choice is strictly personal.  

Vetiver returns

If your weight (whatever it was) does not cause discomfort, it is not necessary to change it; but the risk of degeneration and disease may be sufficient incentive for weight gain.

How to gain weight fast: behavioral strategy

All strategies of weight gain based on the consumption of energy-dense foods and sports in order to build muscle.

* Products with a high energy value: the consumption of these products - the key to weight gain. To recover, select the most high-calorie foods in each food group, such as milkshake instead of skim milk, tuna instead of snapper, avocado instead of cucumber, a glass of grape juice instead of a small apple and buns instead of bread.

* The full regular meals, people with abnormally low birth weight should pay maximum attention to nutrition, ie every day to find the time to plan, prepare and eat food. Regular meals - is at least three meals each day. In addition, people seeking to recover, must learn to eat more food for the first twenty minutes of eating. As is well known, appetite comes with eating, and "wake up" to help his savory meats. Another way to spice up the usual dining ceremony: change the order of dishes - first to eat the second, and then the first and salad.

* Huge portions: It is important to learn to eat as much food at one time. At breakfast sandwich imposes on a few slices of cheese and salami, drink a large glass of milk out and eat a big plate of porridge. Usually, people who are underweight are accustomed to eat only small portions. Therefore, the discomfort, which occurs at the transition to their larger portions, quite naturally, and eventually disappears.

* Constant snacking: because of the need to increase your calorie intake, you should eat more often. Excellent solution - fractional snacking between meals.

* Juice and Milk: drink - a simple and effective way to increase calorie intake. Did you know that 6 glasses of cranberry juice to increase daily energy consumption by 1000 calories. To increase the calorie milk, add it dry milk powder or dilute milk for breakfast noodles. Therapist or dietitian may recommend for accelerated weight gain calorie mixed with high fiber content. Such mixtures will be an effective addition to your normal diet.

* Training for muscle building: to gain weight, get strength training and increase energy consumption to support the body. Abundant food helps build muscle as well as fat mass. Besides food, the intensity of muscle building also depends on the body. As a rule, to build muscle should consume at 500 - 1000 calories a day more than the normal level. Daily need for energy can be calculated based on the weight of the human body. If in order to maintain the present weight must be 2400 kcal per day, the need for muscle building from 2900 to 3400 calories. It is not necessary to dramatically increase energy consumption, this should be done gradually to avoid gastric discomfort, mood decline and, more seriously, a violation of electrolytic balance and the development of heart disease.

Do you want to gain weight? Then beware of some potentially dangerous programs gaining weight, based on false theories and forced to follow the ill-conceived and harmful diet. The main thing - to make a personalized program taking into account available and favorite products, and develop a plan for regular meals. To recover, you must engage in physical training and increase energy consumption. This will help high-calorie foods, drinks, full regular meals, increasing portions, as well as fractional snacking between meals.

Keep in mind that the end result is weight gain, as well as the end result of weight loss depends on the right combination of physical activity and energy intake.

Tags: weight