Help to lose weight quickly lemon

 Recently, nutritionists debunked the myth of the miraculous effect of pineapple diet. They now have a new favorite - lemon. What are the golden rules lemon diet?

On the basis of the properties of this citrus British physician Theresa Chong has developed a special diet and released a whole "lemon book." According to Chong, all our troubles associated with being overweight, occur primarily on disorders of the digestive system. The latter, they say, does not allow the body to get all the nutrients needed to burn fat - hence taken unwanted pounds.

And the traditional diet based on starvation only aggravate our problems. Trying to lose weight, we will only spoil your stomach and deprive the body of needed energy. Hence the feeling of lethargy, depression and as a result, slowing the metabolism. And after this occurs and overweight, says Chong.

The new method, developed by a dieticianDoes not imply a serious limitation in food. "Lemon" Diet Simple Tips to adhere normally supply - do not overdo it, but do not try to constantly nedoest. A staple for you to become a lemon - it juice, pulp and peel.

This citrus normalizes the process of assimilation of nutrients and metabolism, promises Chong. According to her, oddly enough, it is characterized by a high content of lemon citric acid compared to other fruits. And it perfectly stimulates digestion, reacts with enzymes and toxins from the body. In addition, consumption of lemon reduces the risk of diabetes to earn.

However, evenmiracle diet from Dr. Chong has the same disadvantages as everyone else. Firstly, it is not suitable for people with high acidity. At best you may get heartburn at worst - an ulcer. And secondly, exercise, you still can not be avoided.

7 rules lemon diet

1. Every morning drink lemon juice diluted with hot water. If not juicer, mash a couple of slices of lemon in hot water.

2. Eat fruits and vegetables 4-5 times a day. Not necessarily every time a load on the entire portion of salad. One or apple, for example, carrots will suffice. Eat fruits together with a couple of nuts - proteins will help you "bring down" the level of sugar, which is found in fruits.

3. Add to soups and salads chopped lemon skin. Meat and fish while cooking necessarily sprinkle with lemon juice.

4. Try to eat less sugar. And do not forget that he may be hiding even in the savory taste foods - white rice, potatoes, white bread and corn.

5. Do not exclude fats from your diet. Pay attention to the foods that contain omega 3 and omega 6 - is nuts and oily fish. Avoid rich products and red meat

6. Discard the semis and canned food, try to eat only fresh products. Of course, our prices follow this rule is quite difficult, so all of the "canned" products make your choice on beans and lentils.

7. Do not rush: eat regularly, at intervals of 3-4 hours. Chew food slowly and thoroughly. If after dinner you feel that you are still hungry, wait 20 minutes: your brain just does not have time to process the information and send a signal to your body that you are full.

Tags: lemon, acid, juice, diet, use, weight loss, digestion, weight loss, interaction