Fruit Diet

 It is hard to imagine a more pleasant and useful way to lose weight than fruit diet. Women's magazine JustLady offers you several options for such a diet, as well as talk about the advantages of this method of weight loss and help you avoid some of the errors that can slow down the process.

Under the heading Lose Weight Together: Oatmeal diet

Fruit Diet

Let's start with the pros.

Surely you know that fruits are very rich in all kinds of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, your body does not suffer from a lack of these substances, which means that you will not have to worry because of problems with the skin, hair loss and brittle nails.

Also fruits contain fiber. These fibers are not digested by the stomach, but are able to excrete toxins, toxins and other harmful substances that accumulate in the body. Fiber also prevents the rapid digestion, and therefore the feeling of hunger will not torment you.

Fruits contain natural sugars - fructose. Most diets prohibit the use of sugar so sweet tooth pretty hard to sustain them. A fruit diversify your diet and at the same time give the necessary energy, including sports.

Studies have shown that some fruits contain special acids that inhibit the conversion of carbohydrates and fat.

In the process of chewing raw fruits involves not only the teeth. The rhythmic movement of the jaw helps release the right amount of digestive enzymes, stimulate the gallbladder and pancreas. All this helps digestion and activates the intestine.

Fruits also contain a substance that stops the various putrefactive processes in the stomach. As a result, purification of the stomach and intestines from harmful substances, in this case the products of fermentation and putrefaction.

But nicefruit diet can not act, if you choose the wrong approach.

First, beware of too sweet, dense and starchy vegetables. One of the main representatives of this group is banana. You should also give up the grapes. Dried fruits also have to set aside - they contain too much sugar.

The second rule - not to eat the fruit in large quantities. Try to stay within reasonable limits, even if you eat the fruit permitted.

The third rule - as with any other diet you must drink a lot. If the fiber collects all the "garbage" from the stomach, then it can only bring enough water. Be sure to pay attention to the bowels. After all gut contents if there is too long, it will inevitably lead to that the harmful substances are absorbed mucosa back into the blood. This process is called secondary intoxication and can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Well, now that you know everything, we turn to diets.

Fruit diet. Option 1

This diet is designed for three days, and the approximate menu looks like.

Day 1

Breakfast. Stir ¼ cup cereal made from natural herbs with a cup of fresh berries.
Lunch Time. A few pieces of pineapple.
Dinner. 170 g of cooked turkey breast, lettuce, orange.
For dessert you can eat a couple of nectarines.

Day 2

Breakfast. 100 grams of yogurt, half a melon.
Lunch Time. Fruit salad with yogurt sauce. For the salad you fit strawberries, oranges, kiwi.
Dinner. 170 g of white chicken meat, vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice, half a grapefruit.
For dessert - a pair of plums.

 Day 3

Breakfast. A glass of low-fat yogurt or yogurt, a few slices of watermelon.
Lunch Time. Fruit puree of banana (1 pc.) And strawberries (1 cup). As a refueling can use apple juice.
Dinner. 170 grams of lean fish, pre-marinated in lemon juice, a cup of Brussels sprouts as a side dish.
Dessert today consists of a cup of yogurt with fresh berries.

Fruit diet. Option 2

This version of the diet allows inter alia the use of cereals, cooked in water as a garnish. Duration - one week.
Sample menu for the day will look like.
Breakfast. Fruit salad with a dressing of lemon juice.
Lunch Time. Lean meats, baked with vegetables or boiled rice with vegetables.
Dinner. Fruit salad.

Do not forget about drinking - up to 2 liters per day rate. You can also use fruit juice diluted with boiled water or fresh.
Permitted fruits: apples, pineapple, pears, oranges, lemons, mango, kiwi.

Fruit diet. Option 3

 Very easy and enjoyable way to lose weight and cleanse the body at the same time.
For three days you can not eat anything but fruit, fresh fruit juices and pure non-carbonated water. Fruits should be eaten whenever you feel that hungry. However, do not forget about the forbidden fruit and the need to drink a lot.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: diet