Diet - 10 products

Diet - 10 products
 Diet - is the surest way to lose weight. However, very often people abandon the diet because of its stiffness or difficulty. Fortunately, there is a diet devoid of these shortcomings. This is a simple and effective diet 10 products.
 10 diet products is characterized by its simplicity and consistency. It allows the use of those products that can be easily found in any grocery store at an affordable price. This involves a balanced diet food, and, consequently, does not lead to beriberi and does not cause problems with the stomach and intestines.

10 diet products suitable even for those who does not tolerate hunger. No hungry fainting and dizziness, stomach cramps, hypoglycemia.

What are the basic principles of this interesting diet? It's very simple: there can be only those products that are made in the list of diet. Combine products as you like, the main thing - do not have a half kilograms of food per day and have to use the whole list.

Food should be cooked or stewed. It is not only the principle of the diet, but also a perfect gift for the gastrointestinal tract. Being on a diet 10 foods can lose two pounds per week, without feeling much discomfort.

So, we list the products that are allowed: chicken (breast), eggs, fresh low-fat yogurt, fresh mushrooms, vegetables (eggplant, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, any), apples.

If you absolutely can not do without bread, eat it. Of course, a little bit - one piece of bread made from rye flour per day. Vegetable salads can be refilled with lemon juice is allowed any herbs and garlic, which significantly improves the taste of food.

Now about the drink: drink as usual, in the usual way. Water, tea, coffee - are allowed, but without sweetening. If you like sweet, you can eat a little bit of honey or dissolve it in the liquid.

The term of this delicious diet - ten days. If you are not satisfied with the result, you can repeat the diet. But not earlier than one or two months. The main advantage that has a bland diet of 10 products - health safety.

Additional sources:

  • Beauty
 Author: Weronikka

Tags: product, diet