Colon Cleansing - the easy way to lose weight

Colon Cleansing - the easy way to lose weight
 Fastest way to lose weight - purgation of toxins, undigested food debris, feces and decay products. This method has many advantages over radical diets and the use of "magic" diet pills.  
 In the human gut is from 4 to 8 pounds of waste substances that inhibit digestion, give rise to certain diseases, recognized in the skin. Get rid of this ballast, you will find easy "throw off" the extra pounds, prostimuliruete metabolism.

By medical procedures bowel cleansing is hydro - washing with water. Painless procedure, during which the intestine through a tube inserted a few liters of water. Water washes fecal stones, solid residues and restores patency of the intestine. Losing excess weight is accompanied by improvement of health, the normalization of metabolism, changing the state of the skin, hair and nails. Procedure should take place only in specialized clinics.

For home method purgation may include the use of enemas. Methods are available, a simple but fraught with frequent constipation and impaired motility. Clean the intestines bran, linseed or sunflower oil is effective and safe for a healthy person. If there are problems with the digestive tract, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

The process of purgation with medication requires adherence to certain rules - for a certain period, you must give up eating altogether or severely restricted diet. If you do not, then you are unlikely to lose weight.

If you decide to heal the body by means of purgation, start with one day reducing diets. Gradually you will be able to fast for 2-3 days using drugs for bowel cleansing or using traditional methods.

The duration of purging is typically less than a week - depending on the method selected drugs will operate smoothly and slowly or quickly and sharply. The change in shape will be visible immediately - you lose a few pounds, get rid of tummy, bags under the eyes, unhealthy complexion. Rapid methods for bowel cleansing are usually used before significant events - wedding, holiday, an important date, etc.

Tags: intestine, weight, method, purification, weight loss