Astrological diet: how to lose weight by the stars

Under the heading Diet: Diet Alcohol

Astrological diet: Aries (March 21 - April 19)

You can not go past the racks of cakes or sandwiches, and be sure to go to the buffet, when there is the railway station. You - active person, always on the move and never forget to eat what you found along the way. Aries loose body, but you just can not gather the courage to do physical exercise. Try to find a viable option - try to dance or select the appropriate sport.

Astrological diet for Aries: you need to restrict four meals and give up the habit of snacking on the go.

Breakfast (one option):
1) one or soft-boiled egg "in the bag", one of the toast bread with a glass of low-fat yogurt;
2) 25 grams of unsweetened cereal, diluted milk, an apple, a banana.

Lunch, and a light lunch (Choose two)
1) two slices of bread with a salad of "unlimited" set, 50 grams of lean ham or chicken (without skin), one apple;
2) a plate of vegetable soup, bun wholemeal salad "unlimited" set, 75 grams of salt tuna, one pear;
3) 150 grams of fish, grilled, 125 g potatoes, cooked in their skins, a big portion of mixed salad of "unlimited" set.

Dinner (one option):
1) 75 grams of lean meat, boiled carrots or cauliflower, a large portion of mixed salad of "unlimited" set, seasoned with lemon juice;
2) one steak, well-done grilled, baked tomatoes, two tablespoons of corn kernels, a large portion of green salad, seasoned with lemon juice.

Astrological diet: Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Have a good appetite Taurus, Taurus loves to eat and loves cream cakes. Food for Taurus - one of the main pleasures in life, and the thought that you have to give up their favorite foods, leads you into despair. Taurus - not enough trained people, but, nevertheless, always trying to take part in any sports games. Not surprisingly, this turns out for you with bruises and abrasions. Do some yoga or swimming - it's safer.

Astrological diet for Taurus: try to satisfy their need for food during a hearty lunch, but the rest of the day, you have to limit yourself.

Breakfast (one option):
1) One of toast bread with a little marmalade, one apple;
2) one slice of deep-fried grilled bacon, baked tomatoes, two crispbread;
3) 25 g of flakes unsweetened, diluted milk, a small banana.

Lunch (one option):
1) a piece of melon, 250 g of chicken legs, fried or grilled (without skin), a large portion of mixed salad, low-calorie bag of cookies, a small bar "Mars" or "Snickers";
2) a plate of vegetable soup, two crispbread, 50 g lean ham wrapped it with four tablespoons of cottage cheese, a large portion of mixed salad, one pear, one cup of hot chocolate;
3) Two toast, 125 g of cooked beans, baked tomatoes, 25 g of grated cheese "cheddar", two small dry biscuit.

Dinner: A large portion of mixed salad of "unlimited" set to one of the following additions:
1) two tablespoons of cottage cheese with crushed pineapple;
2) 50 g chopped cooked chicken (without skin);
3) two canned sardines in tomato sauce.

Astrological diet: Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

Gemini always something to chew - nuts, cookies, cakes, leftovers from lunch or dinner. Your mouth is in constant motion ... and you just can not stop.
The twins thick forearms spoil your slender figure. Taurus just can not pull myself together and do sports, prefers to lie in the sun, instead of a little swim.

Astrological Diet for Twins: select from the list I proposed six options (you will have a diet with a six-catering) and add to each of them a large portion of mixed salad, seasoned with lemon juice. Each of the six embodiments accommodate about 200 calories.

Toast two slices of bread with bran with any of the following additions: 25 g of grated Edam cheese, baked tomatoes; 25 g of cooked beans or spaghetti, watercress; one egg "in the bag"; pulp of banana with two tablespoons of yogurt.

Snacks of meat and fish: 75 grams of lean meat or 150 grams of fish grilled with two tablespoons of cooked rice, green bean pods, cabbage, celery.
Snacks made from potatoes, cooked in their skins: 200 g of mashed potato with one of the following additives:
1) three tablespoons of cottage cheese;
2) two tablespoons of cooked beans;
3) two tablespoons of natural yogurt with 6 g of grated cheese.

Fruit snacks:
1) an apple, an orange, a banana (or salad of these three fruits);
2) 25 g unsweetened cereal with sliced ​​pear; c) half the average size of melons, 100 g raspberries (frozen can be), a dry biscuit.

Astrological Diet: Cancer (June 22 - July 22)

Cancer believes that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, trying to make something more tasty and share a meal with her lover. Therefore there is nothing surprising in the fact that your weight depends on your personal life. Among other things, you are very fond of champagne and you can not deny myself the fish and chips.
Cancer can not boast of a thin waist, you have a powerful chest and a big belly. You know, by what exercise can become leaner, but you do not have the willpower to deal with them.

Astrological Diet for Cancer: cook for himself and his beloved dishes of exciting products to give new impetus to your relationship and at the same time become slimmer.

"Sexual" breakfast (choose one):
1) half a cup of pomegranate juice, 50 grams of mushrooms, boiled in water, one of the toast bread with baked tomatoes;
2) two slices of bread with 25 grams of smoked salmon, lemon juice;
3) half of a medium-sized melon, one sliced ​​apple, a banana, a few grapes and a little unsweetened cereal.

Exciting dinners (choose one):
1) half an avocado with lemon juice and 50 grams of shrimp, a large portion of mixed salad;
2) two fried chicken legs (without skin) with seasoning prepared from two tablespoons of yogurt, mustard, curry powder, tomatoes, basil and onion;
3) two slices of bread with 25 grams of caviar, sprinkle with lemon juice, cucumber and green salad.

Savory dinners (choose one):
1) 150 g chicken breast (skinless), boiled mushroom soup with a salad of asparagus, watercress and orange and one small potato, boiled in their skins;
2) 150 g of crab or oysters with a large portion of mixed salad, seasoned with lemon juice, 125 g potatoes, cooked in their skins;
3) 125 g lean rump steak grilled, 75 g of potato chips, baked tomatoes, cauliflower, a few grapes.

Astrological diet: Leo (July 23 - August 22)

Leo thinks that deserves the best, so visiting the restaurant, ordering the most expensive - and usually the fattest - dishes on the menu.
Even if now you feel well enough, watch your health: you can start worrying back pain, will begin to play tricks heart. Sexually, you are restless, but here it is necessary to gradually slow down.

Leo Astrological diet: in this diet is the main caloric dinner. I invite you for a day four times a snack in the evening a hearty dinner at home or in a restaurant.

Choose from a proposed list of four starters:
1) one crispbread, 12 g low-fat soft cheese, one small banana;
2) a plate of vegetable soup or a cup of cocoa, a little toast;
3) a large portion of mixed salad of "unlimited" set, two tablespoons of cottage cheese, a slice of pineapple;
4) 125 g of cooked beans, one crispbread;
5) 100 g of fish grilled with a salad of tomatoes and onions, seasoned with lemon juice;
6) one chocolate bar, an apple, a few grapes.

Dinner (choose one):
1) 250 g skinless chicken, baked with broth, onions, tomatoes and carrots, 75 g of mashed potatoes with the addition of skim milk, a large portion of mixed salad, 25 g of vanilla ice cream;
2) 125 g lean lamb, grilled, a little liquid gravy, cauliflower, 250 g potatoes, cooked in their skins, bran muffin, banana slices of baked with two tablespoons of rum in finished form, add two tablespoons soft cheese ;
3) The portion of chicken "Tandoori" with boiled rice, whole wheat tortilla, lettuce; can afford an additional batch of beer or a glass of dry wine;
4) spaghetti with mussels and tomato sauce;
5) a piece of melon, 250 grams of turkey, green vegetables, salad, vanilla ice cream.

Astrological diet: Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

Virgin used to eat up their children, and so went into the taste that eat up and drink up, even what is left of a celebratory lunch or dinner. This is a bad habit!
Do you strongly bulging belly, and you are subject to nervous stress. You try to try all the new gymnastic exercises - even the most unusual - but you did not help.

Astrological diet for Virgin: you to a hearty breakfast for the day you do not feel hunger and limited to three light snack.

Breakfasts (choose one):
1) 35 g of bran flakes with diluted milk, sliced ​​banana, a toast and bread with marmalade or jam smeared, one cup of yogurt diet;
2) toast with one egg "in the bag", one slice of bacon, well done on the grill, baked tomatoes;
3) a large piece of melon, two slices of bread with two tablespoons of cottage cheese, fresh tomato, one apple.

Snacks (Choose three):
1) two small slices of bread with a salad of "unlimited" set and one of the following additions: two tablespoons of cottage cheese, 35 g chicken (without skin) or 50 g of salt tuna
2) 150 g of fish cooked on the grill, or 75 lean meat with a large portion of green vegetables or salad, one roll with bran;
3) two well-done steak, baked tomatoes, a large portion of mixed salad, seasoned with lemon juice.

Astrological diet: Libra (September 23 - October 23)

Libra prefer exciting products such as cream, avocados, smoked salmon, curry. Libra is always trying to try all that you offer and as a result eat more than the gathered
You often aching back, you absolutely need to restore the form, but you prefer to be a spectator sports and just can not force myself to get up off the couch.

Astrological diet for Libra: I suggest you diet, following which you will receive no more than 1500 calories a day. This will help you gradually lose weight without feeling hungry.

Breakfast (choose one):
1) toast bread with a crushed banana with cinnamon and two tablespoons of cream cheese, half a cup of unsweetened orange juice;
2) drink made from the cup of low-fat fruit yogurt, whipped with a glass of unsweetened pineapple juice, one egg, nutmeg to taste.

Lunch (choose one):
1) roll with bran, apple or orange, and one of the following additions: 50 g smoked salmon with lemon juice, two tablespoons of beans with slices of pineapple, 50 g lean ham or chicken;
2) two toasted bread with 125 g of cooked beans or spaghetti, baked tomatoes, salad of green vegetables, one small banana.

Dinner (choose one):
1) a piece of melon, 75 grams of lean meat or 125 grams of fish, grilled, 250 g potatoes, cooked in their skins, with two tablespoons soft cheese and 25 g of grated Edam cheese;
2) 250 g chicken (without skin), grilled green beans, cauliflower, carrots, baked apple with three tablespoons of sweet cereal.

Astrological diet: Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

Scorpios can be classified as gambling consumers. Scorpions are able to keep yourself in check all day, but when it's dinner time, you can not force yourself away from the table. You adore chocolate biscuits, sandwiches with cheese or ham and as a result of constantly gaining weight.
Scorpions are in constant search for the perfect lover, and because of his obsession often find themselves in an awkward situation. Your new boyfriend starts to make you do exercise to lose weight, and no wonder that you are constantly suffering from fatigue.

Astrological diet for Scorpions: You passionately want to organize my life, so I suggest you diet, where everything is on the clock:
8.00: a plate of unsweetened cereal, diluted milk, an apple or a pear;
10.00: a plate of vegetable soup, with bran muffin, a glass of low-fat yogurt;
13.00: 250g grilled chicken (without skin) or 75 g lean ham, a large portion of mixed salad of unlimited "set, an apple;
16.30: Two crispbread with 12 g of low-fat soft cheese, a few grapes;
19.00: 125g rump steak, 75 g potatoes, cooked in their skins, a big portion of mixed salad;
22.00: a cup of hot chocolate.

Astrological diet: Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)

Sagittarius loves oriental cuisine and abusing several spices. You can not bring myself to give up favorite foods, even if you then have to suffer from overeating.
Sagittarius figure spoil thick thighs. You often poshalivaet heart and worried sluggish blood circulation - are the results of your overuse of spicy food. You are very energetic, but be careful: take care of your feet.

Astrological diet for Sagittarius: try offering me a diet made up to suit your love for spicy food.

Breakfasts (choose one):
1) 35 g of cooked beans, toast bread with one small apple;
2) 25 g of cooked oatmeal on the water with the addition of half a cup of skim milk, one cup of yogurt with two teaspoons chutney sauce.

Dinners (choose one of the options):
1) sandwich bran bread with cottage cheese (75 g), a pinch of curry powder and sliced ​​cucumber slices, a cup of low-fat yogurt;
2) 125 g of vegetable curry, 50 g of cold Chicken (skinless), a banana.

Dinner: 200 g chicken "Tandoori", two tablespoons of rice and a large portion of mixed salad of "unlimited" set.

Astrological diet: Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

Capricorn loves juicy pudding, can not resist the smell of freshly baked rolls and loves to eat dumplings.
In your diet lacks calcium, talk about it your knees loose and brittle bones.

Astrological diet for Capricorn: Try to keep yourself in the hands of the whole week, then you will be able to unburden himself in the weekend.

Breakfasts (choose one):
1) 25 g of flakes diluted milk, an apple or a pear;
2) One cup of low-fat yogurt, half a cup of unsweetened fruit juice, one orange.

Dinners (choose one of the options):
1) two small slices of bread with mixed salad of "unlimited" set, two tablespoons of cottage cheese or low-fat cheese 12 g "Cheddar";
2) One cup of low-fat yogurt, one hard-boiled egg or a chicken leg, grilled large portion of mixed salad, two crispy bread.

Dinner: 250 g chicken, grilled (without skin), a large portion of mixed salad or green vegetables.

Weekends: you can eat twice as tight on both days. Treat yourself to a pizza, curry, fried meat with any side dish.

Astrological diet: Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)

Aquarius - a fan of sandwiches and loves all varieties: with sausage, cheese, liver pate with mayonnaise and certainly, horseradish and ketchup!

Do you have problems with urination, and this swollen ankles. Forget for a moment about exotic sports - you are still quite quiet weekends spent in the countryside, surrounded by nature.

Astrological diet for Aquarius: Drink plenty of water to improve bladder and try offering me of compound diet.

Select options for four sandwiches for the day. Prepare sandwich of two slices of bread with one of the following excipients: 50 g of chicken or lean ham, 75 g of salt tuna, one medium-sized banana, 25 g low-fat cheese "cheddar", one slice of low-fat bacon, grilled, with baked

