When to start a diet

When to start a diet
 Timing - the success of the enterprise. Diet is no exception. There are several approaches to the planning of starting the diet. Choose the one that best suits you.
 Start the diet depending on the phase of the moon

Begin to lose weight in a full moon - a move soon, psychological, rather than due to some physiological reason. Since ancient times, it was believed that a full moon and waning moon ought to take actions to get rid of something. Say, with the decrease of the heavenly body will decrease rapidly and the amount of fat on the body.

At the same time, the growing moon planned activities, which implies the addition of something: sowing, planting, cutting the hair, so that they grow faster. Do not you yourself recently showed the new moon a handful of coins, saying at the same time "as the moon grows, so let the money I have added"?

 Start the diet depending on the phase of the cycle

Effectively begin a diet immediately after the critical days. Apart from the fact that at this time is often reduced appetite, physically you feel fine, so, along with the revision of dietary habits can also start to play sports.

Start of diet on Wednesday

They say a new business should begin Monday. But this is not quite true. Monday and already very difficult physically and psychologically day, and here and diet. No, opt for drastic changes in diet Monday - bad idea. Especially if the weekend was turbulent and stomach vengeance protests against a sharp decline in the number of incoming calories.

It is best to go on a diet on Wednesday. Why not Tuesday? Because Tuesday afternoon to do better with lighter diet, so as not to plunge the body into stress suddenly, thus programming yourself for the inevitable breakdown. Wednesday - day to start a diet. By generous output you have come into the rhythm and the taste, so do not leave hungry no chance of failure.

Start of diet in the first day of vacation

The first day of vacation - the perfect time to go on a diet. Abruptly ends with job stress, you have seized cakes, cookies and tea with fellow member, office birthdays with a cake. It's time to review the contents of the refrigerator and go to a fitness club.

So when you are planning to go on a diet? The choice is yours.

Tags: diet, weight loss, planning