What can bite when you sit on a diet

What can bite when you sit on a diet
 Diet - it is a serious stress to the body. Therefore, all the details of dietary restrictions should be very carefully considered. First of all it is necessary to take care about what you snack. After a sharp and complete rejection of food nutritionists are not welcome.
 Nutritionists say that snacks should not be so hearty as useful energy. After all, this is the their main function - to give you the strength to work. About 70% of women, according to nutritionists, as a snack not choose a healthy food like chips, candy, cookies and cakes, and cookies. Such a meal between the main just add extra pounds. Specialists have made a list of useful snacks to help satisfy hunger and and give you energy.

One of the necessary and healthy foods - a raspberry. It contains acetylsalicylic acid, tannins, vitamins, and lectins. Besides the fact that this berry prevent the development of headache, it also helps strengthen nails and hair, lower cholesterol and prevent the development of cardiovascular disease. In addition, raspberries - excellent remedy for cellulite.

As a snack, you can use the usual dried apricots. Do not forget that it has a sufficiently large number of calories, so you should not eat more than 5-6 pieces between meals. This product will help support your cardiovascular system, due to the large amount of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

It has long been proven that nuts very positive impact on the human body without causing damage to it at the same time in the form of extra pounds. Particularly useful in this regard almonds. Just choose the one that unsalted. Almond contains healthy fats, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, and calcium and vitamin. Use of the nut to the body and even in that it contains the same amount of protein as lean meat. It turns out that the product - a great tool snacks for vegetarians.

Your favorite product for a snack - a yogurt. However, you can not select any of those that are on the shelves magahinov. The most optimal version - yogurt without adding any amount of sugar. If you want to improve the taste of fermented milk product, add fresh berries. And tasty, and healthy!

Alternatively, use an ordinary apple. After all, doctors say that eating an apple a day, you will save yourself from a huge number of different diseases. If one apple you no longer own, diversify your diet salad with apple. As an additive to suit special salad lettuce and herb mixes, nuts. Season with similar dish can lean natural yogurt or maple syrup.

To raise the energy balance in the body get into the habit of snacking carrots. This product helps to cleanse the skin, improve vision and quality of hair. Besides a carrot for the body antiseptic, choleretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory agents. It is recommended to use 50-100 of carrots a day.

One of the recognized fruit for a snack - a banana. It helps to improve mood, memory and thinking. Banana - a great tool for cleansing the body of toxins, to reduce blood cholesterol levels, to enhance immunity. As a rule, it is recommended to use bananas with mental and physical stress. After all, this fruit is a sedative.

As a snack, you can even use sweets. For example, ice cream. Only it must be no ordinary ice cream, but only fruit ice. In this form the food much less calories. And it quenches thirst in the heat quickly and easily.

Not forbidden to use chocolate in the form of Sneek. But we must strictly adhere to the dosage - no more than one square. Experts recommend using a dark bitter chocolate. It fewer calories, and a feeling of fullness comes much faster.

Do not bypass their attention to low-calorie cheese. They not only saturate the body with energy, but also help build muscle. All thanks to the useful amino acids and milk protein.

If you're a fan of dense snacks, experts suggest you Sneek as a baked potato. Eat daily 300 g potatoes. Because of this you will be able to provide your body with carbohydrates, potassium, phosphorus and vitamin C.

In order not to stray from their diets, prepare for working day in advance. Take a snack with them from home. Then do not have to run around looking for chips and other products harmful to the figures.

Tags: work, time, product, diet, snacking, snack