Proper nutrition: rules to preserve the health of

Proper nutrition: rules to preserve the health of
 Human health depends largely on its power. If the food he consumes, contains a large amount of nutrients, the body gets all the necessary vitamins and minerals, is working properly and does not bother painful manifestations.

Proper nutrition: mode and size of servings

 Useful food helps a person feel energetic and healthy. It is not only in the consumption of certain products, but also in compliance with the proper diet. For example, people often do not eat breakfast and first meal made closer to the dinner. This is a big mistake. In this case, all the morning people feel sleepy, he had no energy to do things.

Proper nutrition means not less than 3 meals a day. Usually it is breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2-3 snacks. The interval between meals make about 2, 5-3, 5 hours. During this time, time to fully digest the food, and the body is already beginning to signal the need for a new meal. Serving size at a time - about 250 grams.

Eat right: food and time consumption

After waking up, try to drink 150-200 grams of warm water - it will help to awaken the digestive tract and help cleanse the body of toxins. After 30 minutes, you're ready for breakfast. Good to eat one of the following foods: cottage cheese, yogurt with any fruit, milk porridge.

Try not to drink tea, coffee and other liquid immediately after the main meal.

For lunch, try to prepare yourself and the first dish, and second. Soups use mushrooms, lean meat, fish. Can only vegetable soups, broths, soup. On the second click one of the side dishes: rice, barley, buckwheat, pasta, etc. The second dish is also possible to add a small piece of beef, chicken breast, rabbit and so on.

Dinner - this is the most voluminous meal: 400-500 grams.

Dinner is not to be missed, like trying to do some slimming people. This meal should consist of fruits, vegetables, and lean fish.

As additional snacking can use fruits, nuts, light salads. These meals, try to do the bulk: enough to eat an apple or a pear, to satisfy your hunger.

Discard the pickles, pickles, canned foods, confectionery and other dishes with a large calorie and it does not contain nutrients. Try not to drink cocktails, soft drinks and other carbonated beverages.

Tags: health, nutrition, tend to have