Persimmon - sweet diet

Persimmon - sweet diet
 Tall chest, firm buttocks, slim waist, trim figure - what woman does not dream to find slender shape. We are ready to do everything for this: to engage in gyms, to arrange a hunger strike and sit on numerous diets, which has recently become more and more. However, it is a good idea, because such a variety of ways to bring your body (and health) in order allows each woman to choose the option that is best suited for her. Today women's magazine tells about JustLady persimmon and a diet that is based on the use of this sweet, fragrant fruit.

1. Persimmon Diet: Choose grade

Persimmon is a tropical plant and mind, according to the researchers, came to us from China. Today, this area of ​​growing fruit tree expanded: "date-plum", also known as persimmon, is growing in Australia, Eurasia, America and many other countries. There just did not give the names of this bright orange fruit: Chinese peach, heart apple, orange and tomato even diaspyros (Lat.) - Food of the gods. Residents of our country to assess the distinctive taste of the divine berries can only be fully at the end of autumn, when dialed persimmon ripeness.

Persimmon has about 500 varieties, but the most famous varieties of us - Caucasian, having a little tart flavor, Japanese sweet and chocolate (wren). The most pleasant for its taste last two classes, they do not knit and have a soft, honeyed taste. Choosing persimmon note the presence of brown streaks on the skin, they indicate the degree of ripeness. If you bought nedospevshie fruit, put them in the freezer - after a few hours in the cold persimmon lose its astringency.

Persimmon - sweet diet

2. Persimmon Diet: useful properties of apple heart

Persimmon - just a storehouse of useful substances for our body. It comprises a plurality of microelements, vitamins, bioflavonoids and organic acids.

• Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels and helps fight colds infections. Complex vitamins A and beta-carotene, a large number contained in the persimmon, prevent lung cancer, a beneficial effect on visual acuity, contribute to the regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes.
• In the persimmon is rich in iron, so it is recommended to anemic pregnant women and immunocompromised people. Potassium and magnesium are included in the composition of the fruit, to facilitate the smooth operation of the heart muscle, excrete excess water.
• Persimmon shows people with thyroid problems: due to its high iodine content, it is an excellent preventive measure to prevent such diseases.
• Despite the low calorie (only 67 calories) Persimmon perfectly satisfies hunger. This occurs due to the high content of dietary fiber and pectin, which also stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

Persimmon, diet based on this remarkable fruit is very useful for the organism. Despite the fairly high sugar content, "date-plum" is easily digested and, therefore, perfect for those who want to lose weight. But to use persimmons in large quantities nutritionists, nevertheless, is not recommended: high content of tannins may disrupt the permeability of the stomach in people with digestive disorders, and, as well, to increase the sugar content in the blood, which is very desirable for patients with diabetes.

4. Persimmon Diet: mono or complex?

If you like golden, fragrantpersimmon, Meansdiet on the basis of this fruit to your taste. Extreme individuals may try option mono diet, in which during the week should be consumed only one persimmon, by 1.5-2 kg daily. In case of discomfort, add your dietary menu 100 g and 200 g of yogurt rye dried bread a day - it will help you to hold the required period. You can just arrange times a week fasting day onpersimmon-diet - This is a great way to clean your body of accumulated toxins and pull "tummy."

For those who are skeptical about the severe restrictions in the diet, women's magazine offers a lightweight version JustLadydiet for persimmon. This option involves the use of persimmon (1-2 pieces) times a day - instead of breakfast or dinner. Exemplary embodiments of dietary menus:

Option number 1
Breakfast: persimmon.
Lunch: 200 g low-fat cottage cheese, one boiled egg.
Dinner: 200 g of vegetable stew, tea with honey.

Option number 2
Breakfast: 100 grams of boiled chicken breast, cucumber and cabbage salad, a cup of coffee without sugar.
Lunch: vegetable soup, two pieces of dried rye bread in the oven, 150 grams of yogurt.
Dinner: persimmon.

5. Persimmon Diet: delicious recipes

Well, finally, some unusual recipes with persimmons from the women's magazine JustLady.

Vegetarian pilaf
You will need: 200 grams of rice, 2 medium persimmon, 400 g of vegetable broth, medium-sized red and green bell peppers, cardamom, cinnamon, salt to taste. Spices and rice fried in vegetable oil until transparent, pour broth, simmer for 10-15 minutes, salt. Cut into cubes and peppers persimmons, add to the rice and bring a dish until done.

You will need: 500 g low-fat cottage cheese, 2 medium persimmon, 100 g of flour, eggs, sugar, salt to taste. Cut persimmon (without skin and seeds) into small pieces, mix with the remaining ingredients. Form a neat cake paniruem and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.

Jam made from persimmon (Express)
Clear the persimmon from the skin, remove seeds and cut into cubes. Fold in the bowl, add the lemon juice and sugar to taste. Put 6 minutes in the microwave - flavored jam is ready. Bon Appetite!

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: sugar diet, persimmon, review