Overweight: how to find a way to get rid of it

Overweight: how to find a way to get rid of it
 On the threshold of spring, until summer, there is very little time, so the fight against excess weight need to start now. Before getting rid of extra pounds, you need to understand where they come from. It is necessary to determine the cause, and only then to eliminate the consequences.

The causes of excess weight

The first and main reason for weight gain is an unhealthy diet. As was said in ancient times: "Eat breakfast yourself, share dinner with a friend, dinner and give the enemy", but, as a rule, a breakfast of coffee, a sandwich for lunch, well, let alone the rest of the evening you can eat. In this case, to quickly get rid of excess weight on the thighs, the abdomen and on the body as a whole, the power mode to be changed. Before lunch, you can have it all: and candy, and flour. After lunch forbidden to use flour, sweet potato. After 7 pm on the fridge hung padlock. You ready for this?

After birth, the woman is not easy to enter the norm, we can not do without exercise. A nursing mother should eat well, but that does not mean that you can eat everything, balanced diet will help in this case. We must not forget that water is able to deduce fat from the body and help get rid of big thighs. Therefore, in the daily diet must be present about two liters of pure water.

The habit of "jam" grief, depression or just a bad mood, straight road leads to excess weight. If you really want to chew, better to buy dried fruits - apples, plums, pears, and you can chew on them all day. Fiber will help to clean up the intestines, help relieve excess in the hips and get rid of extra pounds.

If the weight is dialed after illness and medication, then, before you start getting rid of excess weight, it is best to consult your doctor to check your hormones.

If you wish, to get rid of excess weight, man or woman does not need to grasp at all the diets in a row. First you must carefully weigh whether there is enough willpower to reach the end. And it will have, and the power is, and no willpower. There are many diets during which you can eat all day. Bonn soup, for example, or diet Protasova built on vegetables.

Importantly, after the diet to try to keep the weight at least a month, and then you can re on a diet until the weight reaches the desired result.

Delicious secrets

And now the little "tasty" secrets. Blueberries should be kept in the diet of women, because scientists and doctors have shown that blueberries can inhibit the formation of fat cells. Happiness hormone chocolate cocoa quietly replaced, the enzyme that breaks down carbohydrates.

Like going to visit? Make it a rule before going to visit to drink six to seven tablets of coal. In case of intensive weight loss surround yourself with the smell of favorite colors using aromatherapy.

If you desire to lose weight serious look at a mirror, smile and show the world the beautiful princess, hidden under the overweight.

Tags: weight, diet