Lose weight with the help of baths!

Lose weight with the help of baths!
 What woman does not dream of losing weight to give the pleasure of doing nothing. Warm water, combined with salts and herbs really work wonders with a female body. Standard bath can carry the fight against excess weight and cellulite. Salt baths accelerate metabolism, nourishes the skin with essential trace elements, smoothes the skin and even eliminates stretch marks. During one session taking a bath, you can lose up to 0.5 kg. The main thing to pick up the salt, herbs or oils for the procedure.

The most popular types of baths are salt diet, herbal, oil, and bath with baking soda.

There are common for all types of baths rules for their decision:
1. Before taking a bath, clean body scrub and wash off any shower. This is necessary in order to remove dirt and clean the skin from the fat layer, useful elements to penetrate into the unimpeded.
2. Take a bath slimming sitting so that the water came up to his waist.
3. Do not eat for an hour before taking a bath, and for an hour after.
4. If, during the procedure, you will feel discomfort and malaise - stop the session, ask your doctor for advice.
5. Do not take baths during menstruation or illness.
6. The recommended water temperature - 40-45 degrees.
7. Take a bath before going to bed - the effect will be stronger.

Thus, the basic recipes home bath for weight loss.

Soda bath for weight loss.
In the warm water is necessary to add 125 g of food soda, 150 g of sea salt, 4-5 drops of lavender oil or alcohol. Take a bath for 20-30 minutes, then Rinse under the shower and go under the warm blanket. Soda softens the skin, sea salt - strengthens and lavender alcohol creates a unique relaxing aroma.

Bath with sea salt.
350 grams of sea salt mix in a warm bath. Enjoy the procedure should be 20-25 minutes. Such bath perfectly removes fatigue, calms the nerves. In one procedure can lose about half a kilogram. Especially please state this morning - will feel relaxed, as if just returned from the seaside resort.

Bath with essential oils.
Add the warm water 5-6 drops of essential oils to choose from - grapefruit, orange, lemon, tangerine, or any conifer. You can mix the oil. The main thing - do not overdo it, enough for 2-3 drops 2-3 kinds of oils. So that the oil does not float - add a tablespoon of sea salt. Oils are quickly absorbed into the skin and immediately begin to fight against excess weight and cellulite.

Herbal baths.
In 5 liters of water put 300 grams of herbs (lime, plantain, nettle). Bring to a boil, then allow to stand for 15 minutes. Strain and pour the broth into a warm bath. Take herbal bath is recommended no more than 15 minutes, preferably at bedtime.

Lime bath salt prints expense sweatshop properties and drives fat and mucus. Improves skin condition. The morning after the lime bath can part with 1 kg of weight. Bath with plantain perfectly cleanses the body of toxins, helps clean the vessels. Nettle bath improves the skin, saturate it with vitamins and microelements.

Tags: bath, help