Lose Weight correctly. How to lose weight woman

Lose Weight correctly. How to lose weight woman
 How to lose weight a woman to losing those extra pounds, soon not collect them again while preserving health? Is it possible at all? Yes I Do! - Says the women's magazine JustLady and share advice with your readers.  

Probably, there are no women who would be looking at myself in the mirror, do not dream of anything to change in their appearance. Most women are dissatisfied with their figure. No matter the reason for this dissatisfaction with the actually existing disabilities or the fruits of excess female faultfinding.

And who remembers little longer as representative of the beautiful half of humanity proud once its curvaceous, not only in the chest. The classical idea of ​​female beauty we can observe on the canvases of great artists. Full thighs, stomach - that's a sign of female perfection. They say that nature has endowed women these virtues, not in order that they fought with them, and for the successful execution of the function of procreation: body fat in the hips and abdomen to protect unborn babies from different stimuli outside world noise, possible strikes, etc.

All this is true! But ... the modern ideas of female beauty are contrary to nature. On TV and on the covers of glossy magazines poor women mesmerizing looming "ranks" slim divas with long legs, narrow hips and flat tummy. And ... how in such moments, I want to be slim, if not as a model, albeit shorter, but not thick or even plump or chubby, but rather skinny !!! So MuchHow to lose weight womanTo become the owner of a beautiful figure?

The slogan of all doctors, nutritionists, endocrinologists, fitness instructors and all those who have to deal with the consequences of incorrect, inconsistent and fanatical women "pohudeek" sounds very straightforward: "Dear women, losing weight right! "In just a few centimeters, remove from the waist, we forget about prudence. Poor, that we do not only with each other, to achieve the desired effect. Diet, hunger, performing every conceivable exercise. And the result - or not what appears to be a very short-term. How can that be? Options are there!

First of all, do not overeat (and this should be the norm). And that has not happened, experts advise eating food break on five receptions - better than most, but less. There is no need to hurry, chewing food thoroughly. Do not eat after 6 hours. By the way, on this occasion, scientists say they do not necessarily refuse to eat after 6, the main thing for the 2, 5 - 3 hours before bedtime, you must also include in your diet plenty of fruits and vegetables, less sweet and starchy foods (flour products can be replaced loaves) better to have natural products: meat (low-fat varieties) prefer sausage, eat fish, seafood (especially sea kale), low-fat cheese, cottage cheese, low-calorie yogurt ... Now on sale of such products is more than enough.

Daily intake of fluid should be at least 2 liters. In addition to tea and coffee (they just can limit) should drink fresh juices (such as fruit and vegetables) and mineral water (still and warm). These drinks help cleanse the bowel, which not only promotes weight loss, but also very good for health. Of cereals best oatmeal, buckwheat, barley and wheat. Remember that the porridge - it's the best breakfast.

Lose weight properly - Not to exhaust yourself by hunger and torture physical exertion. Everywhere need the norm. The use of calories should not exceed their consumption. If you want to lose weight, calories consumed, respectively, should be less and spend more. As for exercise, they are also more than sufficient. A fitness will make you not only slim but also support your health. Specialists will help you choose a set of exercises for you personally. Also, do not forget about hiking walks. Now in our age of rapid, saving time, we go a little longer we go by public or private transport. Make it a rule, for example, walking to work, if it is not far from home or go a few stops earlier. You can find other options more suitable for you.

Lose Weight correctly. How to lose weight woman

Lose weight properly - This is the right vacation! If you spend free time sitting in a chair watching soap operas, you probably will lose weight quite problematic. Local Activities: winter is - skiing, skating; summer - nature walks, swimming, beach volleyball ... not deleted from the list of travel! All this will help to maintain your figure is normal.

Remember, the figure - it's a lifestyle, it's - our mentality. In Order Tolose weight properly, You have to eat right and keep active! And this is probably the most important thing - to change ourselves, to change his mind, psychologically adjust itself.

So, we decided! Lose Weight? Certainly! From today! AndLose Weight correctly!

 Tatiana Sinotova
Women's magazine JustLady

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