Light weight loss diet

Light weight loss diet
 It is sad, but to make meaningful and, most importantly, guaranteed weight loss is only possible through diet. No matter how much you do not spend effort and money on the gym, special massages, supplements and teas for weight loss - without a certain diet to lose weight and keep the weight does not normally happen. All these funds have independent significance and only enhance the effectiveness of diet or help her better tolerability. Today, female site JustLady talk about the easiest diets that allow you to lose weight smoothly and relatively painlessly, without exhausting your body crazy hunger strike.  

Weight gain is primarily due to (if excluded hormone-endocrine diseases) with a sedentary lifestyle and overeating. Calories needed to sustain each person has their own, it depends on the activity and exercise. The athlete, who runs the day a few workouts, can not afford to eat a lot more than an office worker, most of the time conducting in a sitting position. Not least is the rate of metabolic reactions (metabolism), which is laid in the human gene.

Before you elaborate onLung weight loss dietsLet's learn to count their calories norm, we can afford a day without risking "decorate" waist redundant folds. The most universal formula - multiply your weight by 21 6. If you 2-3 times a week do any kind of exercise, add to the amount received another 20%. The result - your daily calories needed to maintain current weight. 7000 extra calories add 1 kg of body weight, respectively, concludes that want to lose weight to 1 kg per week - reduce the daily ration of 1,000 calories. Optional pace yourself on a hunger strike with increasing physical activity is enough to observelight dietSo that your weight is back to normal.

Light weight loss diet

Any bland diet for weight loss involves restrictions on the quantity of food. Even delicious diet apples can be deposited in the extra pounds if you eat them in large quantities. Reduced calorie, low-fat food preference - another prerequisite for weight loss. Replace the veal or pork lean beef, eat less fatty dairy products and cheese - it will be another plus in your struggle with bored deposits around the waist and hips. Proper diet withbland diet - The third factor influencing the process of weight loss. This respect could be the well-known proverb about the dinner, which should be given to the enemy. Of course, such sacrifices from you, no one needs, but to follow some rules, yet have. Most dense to be breakfast and lunch, after six o'clock in the evening, it is desirable not to use food in general. If you're still hungry, you can snack crackers or low-fat yogurt with herbal tea.

Choosingeasy weight loss dietBased on their taste preferences. Why torture yourself useful, but not favorite foods?The easiest diet allow to lose weight without changing your eating habits, the main thing - to observe the basic rules given above: limiting the amount of food, reducing its caloric content and correct diet.

Light weight loss diet

Light diet: vegetable diet

Perfect for lovers of fruits and vegetables. With this diet you must abide by the "law of the rainbow" - must be present in the diet of fruits and vegetables of different colors, it will provide you with essential vitamins, trace elements and diversify the menu. Raw vegetables can be used, subject to heat treatment. In addition to the day to eat 100 grams of cheese durum and 200 g whole grain breads.

Light diet: sour milk diet

This diet is a godsend for those who like cheese, yogurt and yogurt. Dairy products contain calcium, protein, beneficial effect on the digestive system. As a complement to them, you can use light salads and fruits, as well as herbal tea with honey. Vegetables can be used in cooked and baked form, as a salad dressing suitable lemon juice or low-fat yogurt. In total, the day can consume 200 grams of cottage cheese and 700-800 ml of kefir or yogurt.

Light diet: fish diet

Anotherbland diet for weight loss, Which is used by many of the world movie stars and fashion business. Fish - a valuable source of protein, polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in it, warn of heart disease, strengthen the immune system. On the day you need to eat 600 grams of any fish, steamed or baked in the oven. Garnish cook vegetables: fit everything except potatoes, beans and peas. Breakfast can be supplemented with one egg or low-fat yogurt.

Light diet: diet in seafood

Seafood - just a storehouse of useful trace elements, in addition, they have excellent nutritional value. Seafood is considered a dietary meal, because they contain only 7-8% fat, and silicon and B vitamins that are present in them, well affect the skin and hair. This delicious sea diet involves ingestion of 350-400 g daily of any seafood. Better to use boiled or fried shrimp - they are less calorie. The composition of this diet includes vegetables (except potatoes, corn and beans), as well as a small amount of dairy products - yogurt or yogurt. Try to fill salads with lemon juice, it will help the absorption of iron, which is so rich in seafood.

Light weight loss diet

Any diet - it is only a step to the right lifestyle and a balanced diet that will help you keep your weight is normal. Do not pursue immediate results, be persistent in his desire to succeed - purposeful woman always attracts the attention of others men, regardless of the size of her waist.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: seafood, diet, weight loss