Kvass recipe for weight loss

Kvass recipe for weight loss
 Kvass - a traditional Russian drink that quenches thirst and perfectly toned. One of its important properties - diuretic effect. The body is derived from the excess moisture, and at the same time - and harmful substances. As a result, there is a rapid breakdown of fats, improves metabolism and overall well-being. At the heart of the popular "fitness drink" can be not only the usual bread, but beetroot, honey, mint and even celandine.
 Red beets - one of the most powerful ingredients "fitness kvass", which cleanses the body from cholesterol, harmful radicals and has a lot of other useful properties: cleanses the blood vessels, liver, helps with anemia. Traditional recipes beet kvass distinguished by its simplicity and contain only natural ingredients.

To prepare healthful beet kvass, seed 4-5 large ripe medium-sized beets and cut into large slices. Fill ½ of three-liter jar and fill with chilled water necessarily boiled. If you throw into the mix a handful of washed mint leaves, brew will have a light refreshing and hypnotic effect.

Seal the container and place it in a warm place. By the end of the fourth day of the fermentation mixture in the pot should be completed. You will only strain the drink, stir it 3 tablespoons of honey - and kvass is ready for use. "Work" beet can re-fill with water and insist on it for 2-3 servings a fitness drink.

A good recipe for weight loss - a mixture of beet and grain beverages. One option: pour fresh homemade bread kvass beets in the bank and insist during the day. Bread and beets can ferment together. To do this, add the chopped vegetables to a pound of rye crumbs and put the capacity to ferment for 3-4 days.

There are special recipes kvass based on herbs that contribute to fairly rapid weight loss and normalization of digestion. So, is known recipe of kvass celandine, which is credited with the creation of the famous academician Bolotovu.

He is whey (0, 5 liters) with the addition of 200 g of sugar. In the three-liter jar should fill a glass of chopped leaves of celandine, pour the sugar and serum. The remaining space in the container filled with pure water.

10 days later formed a healing brew. In addition, it helps cleanse of toxins and the breakdown of fat, herbal drink has a tonic act and removes heat at an elevated body temperature. It is recommended to take it as a drug - once a day for half an hour before a meal.

Usually any brew for weight loss drink on an empty stomach for 2-3 weeks or on certain fasting days. In the opinion of nutritionists, even without special diets have in the past month you can lose about 2 kg. And in combination with diet food and exercise result will not take long to wait.

But do not forget that any medicinal recipes may have contraindications. So, beetroot prohibited people with diseased kidneys and bladder, with urolithiasis.

Get involved kvass of celandine (like any medicine) in any case it is impossible - it is dangerous not only for health, but also for life. So, before you cook healthy soft drink, be sure to consult your doctor.

Tags: drink, fitness, kvass, slimming recipe