Kim Protasov diet menu. Lose Weight delicious

Kim Protasov diet menu. Lose Weight delicious
 Kim Protasov diet menu which is based on a variety of vegetable and dairy dishes, is very popular today. And this popularity is due not only ease and rapidity of action of the diet. Kim Protasov diet - this whole arsenal of very tasty and varied dishes, which, moreover, differ satiety. Recipes of dishes offers its readers a female online magazine JustLady.

Kim Protasov diet recipes

Diet Protasova attributed to a soft diet, allows for weight reduction to preserve the maximum amount of muscle mass. Diet menu Protasova involves a combination of vegetables with low-fat dairy products. It fills during weight loss in the body nutritional deficiencies, has beneficial effects on the rate of metabolism, diet enriched with vitamins and trace elements. By Kim Protasov diet can cook a variety of delicious and hearty. We offer several such recipes calculated for the entire period of the diet.

Recipes recommended for those who are already on a diet first and second week.

Kim Protasov diet menu. "The Magic Porridge"
First Breakfast: oat porridge without sugar and milk, with one or two tablespoons of dried fruit, boiled egg.
Lunch: 250 ml fruit yogurt.
Lunch: 1 grated carrot salad with cheese and garlic and one teaspoon of low fat sour cream;
 2. Chicken soup with spinach;
 3. barley porridge with berries (fresh or frozen).
Afternoon snack: fruit cocktail (5% milk + mashed strawberries or blueberries). The cocktail can add a little sugar.
Dinner: whole grain bread with stewed eggplant (eggplant, carrots, grated cheese on top).

Kim Protasov diet menu. "Seafood delight"
Breakfast: curd cheese pancakes with yogurt, boiled egg.
Lunch: a cocktail of yogurt with cucumber.
Dinner: 1. Salad: tomatoes, feta cheese, a teaspoon of olive oil;
 2. Ear (no potatoes);
 3. ragout of vegetables (cabbage, carrots, tomatoes, bell pepper)
Snack: a glass of sour milk and a slice of cheese (fifty grams)
Dinner: baked fish fillets and raw vegetables (cucumber, tomato)
recipes are recommended for those who are already on a diet first and second week.

Kim Protasov diet recipes for every day

"Ordinary Miracle"
First embodiment
Breakfast: Egg, cheese, tomato, cucumber.
Lunch: apple cocktail (whisk grated apple with 5% increments cream and a teaspoon of sugar);
Dinner: 1. Salad brush (grate apples, cabbage, carrots, pour one tablespoon of low-fat sour cream);
 2. Cabbage soup with fresh cabbage or sorrel (excluding potatoes);
 3. Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms and onions.
Snack: Zelenoё apple.
Dinner: Bulgarian cream soup (greens, mint and cucumber beat with a glass of kefir)

Second Embodiment
Breakfast: Tomato, cheese and sour cream (5%), apple.
Lunch: a glass of orange juice and a piece of cheese (80gramm).
Lunch: 1. Okroshka (yogurt, onion, radish, egg, parsley, dill);
 2. Cream of celery;
 3. Boiled rice with prunes.
Snack: Apple.
Dinner: Stuffed mushrooms and cheese and lightly roasted bell peppers.

Kim Protasov diet: salad recipes

1) salad into four portions, the first option: three tomatoes and cucumber, two medium-sized, one radish, parsley, onion, salt, pepper, one tablespoon of vinegar.
2) salad into four portions, the second option; mix the same ingredients as the first salad recipe, but with the addition of a hard-boiled egg and finely diced, may optionally be added one teaspoon oils (olive, sunflower).
3) Carrot salad: grated on a coarse grater carrots mixed with grated apple, add a little julienne cabbage, cumin, salt, pepper and fill with natural yogurt.
4) salad grapefruit: grapefruit slices cut into small slices, fresh pineapple (250 grams), cut into cubes, one pear and five or six berries fresh / frozen strawberries to fill natural yogurt or cream 5% increments. Refrigerate. Half an hour later the amazing, tasty and healthy treat ready.
5) Green salad: two cucumbers cut into strips, add dill, parsley, basil, lots of green onions, salt, green pepper and sour cream (remember about a 5% fat!)
6) Red salad: one red tomato, two red peppers, small head "red" (purple) onion mix well, add salt, add a pinch of black pepper, wait to receive the juice and put a teaspoon of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar .
7) White salad "Sun": radish rub on a very fine grater, chop the head of onions thin half-rings and crumble boiled egg protein. Season with salt, add the sour cream and mix well everything. Put in a salad bowl and decorate the center of the yolk in the form of sun and rays.

Kim Protasov diet menu for gourmets
1) Grate the cheese, garlic, lemon zest, salt and pepper, add two tablespoons of sour cream, put on baked eggplant slices, sprinkle with chopped herbs - will turn out beautiful and amazingly tasty vegetable sandwiches.
2) Medium-sized tomatoes stuff with a mixture of cottage cheese, bell pepper and boiled egg, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake.

Tasty exit the diet Protasov

Not to expose your body to stress the sharp transfer to another power, the output from the diet Protasov perform smoothly, gradually and very tasty. We bring you the wonderful dishes to exit from the diet.Kim Protasov diet recipes such dishes make a true delicacy.

1) "Tender meatballs"
Lean meat, onions and zucchini mince, drive a raw egg, salt, pepper, molded small balls and bake in the oven. Post on fresh lettuce with cherry tomatoes and radish.

2) "Cottage cheese and apple casserole"
In a pack of cheese coarsely grated add one or two apples, two teaspoons of vanilla sugar, beaten egg, baking soda (a quarter of a teaspoon), put on a greased baking sheet and sprinkle with a little cinnamon and bake for 15-20 minutes.
Large apples wash, dry, cut off the top "lid", remove the core and a little flesh made apple "barrels". Put into curd with beaten egg, one spoon of sugar and grated apple pulp. Close "caps" and in the oven.

3) "Trout with pineapple"
Fillet trout or salmon cut to size circles of pineapple, a little prisolit and pepper, top with slices of pineapple on a pre-arranged on the sheet, the top cover with foil, bake. Before serving, sprinkle with lemon juice, garnish with greens.

4) "Homemade strawberry ice cream"
A glass of fresh strawberries cut into quarters and beat in a mixer with one teaspoon of vanilla sugar, then add two cups of yogurt 5%, again beat and pour into the prepared mixture kremanki. Periodically, stirring every 15 minutes, stand in the freezer for about an hour.

5) "Garnet Bracelet"
Boiled chicken cut into cubes, add chopped walnut kernels, onion, three tablespoons of mayonnaise, and grains of garnet. Share on green leaf lettuce.

Bon Appetite!
Olga Kocheva

Tags: meal, appetite, diet, nutrition, out, grass, recipe