How to lose weight, if the figure "pear"

How to lose weight, if the figure "pear"
 So ordered nature, the most common type of female figure - "pear". This is not surprising reserves of fat on the thighs and abdomen are designed to protect and supply the most valuable - the future of human life. Whatever may be said feminists, the main purpose of women - to be a mother. But this type of shape gives women the most grief.

First of all, losing weight is worth remembering - the waist and hips is the very nature of fat accumulation. This is where the fat reserves will be spent in the last turn. If you lose weight by seven pounds, six pounds will come away with the upper body and the only one from the bottom. And if you're after a tough diet again typed seven pounds (which is often the case), then six pounds settle on the hips, and the seventh will return to the chest and shoulders. The simple arithmetic shows another round of "thin - recovered" will lead to the fact that in the pelvis you will get five extra pounds. Sad?

Then forget about any miracle diets. No matter how you try, you do not beat your hormones. The only way to bring the figure to balance the upper and lower parts of the body is as follows:

- Reduce the total calorie intake and revise your diet;
- To increase fat-burning aerobic load for the lower body;
- To increase the upper body muscle mass due to this field.

Reconsider not only their menu, review the approach to eating. If you eat three times a day, each time your body gets about 123 g of glucose. This turns the glucose into glycogen and sent directly through the liver. But in normal livers may contain only 90 g glycogen. Where does the difference? Converted into fat, of course. 33 g of glycogen is about 15 grams of fat deposited on the hips. Three meals - 45 g per day; count how many will come in a year. And this is only if you eat right and do not overeat. Therefore, to glucose is not converted into fat, eat more often and in small portions. And the portions should be equivalent. Reduce your intake of fast carbohydrates contained in sweets. Prefer slow carbohydrates contained in cereals and corn bread. They burn slowly and liver have time to transfer them to the energy rather than fat stores.

To dry the muscles of the lower body and drive away the fat, need endurance exercise - long and monotonous. If you practice at home, do not perform the exercises 10-15 times, and much more. You will need to make 100-150 times "scissors" to the fat started to leave because of the necessary parts of the body.
There's no time? Have to go out into the world.

To make slender thighs and buttocks tightened, there is no better exercise than running. If you are bored run, sign up for dancing or aerobics. Perfectly helps to lose weight jump rope. The main thing to remember, strength exercises such as squats is not for you. They increase the amount of muscle mass, but does not get rid of fat. As a result, the hip will become even wider.

Working on the lower part of the body, do not forget the top. First of all adipose tissue goes from here. Therefore, even after the weight loss, the disproportion between the top and bottom will be saved. So it is necessary to build muscle. It will be necessary for this exercise with dumbbells or a light pole. Bulky muscles develop in short-term load with a great weight. Choose a simple basic exercises such as pushups, bench dumbbell over your head or top link on the block simulator, and follow them three times a week.
Be sure to arrange a break between workouts - muscles grow during rest.
Do not be afraid to pump huge muscles like Schwarzenegger, hormones of the female body does not require such changes. But with the growth of muscle mass will increase consumption of fat tissue, because muscles consume most of the energy reserves of the organism.

Optimal mode classes in your case would be as follows:
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - running or skipping rope for half an hour, plus strength training for shoulders, back and chest.

Tuesday, Thursday - aerobic exercises: running, dancing, biking. On weekends, you can simply walk. Walking is excellent strengthens leg muscles and thighs.

Tags: breast, pear, background, figure, hip, waist, exercise area, endurance, consumption, carbohydrate, glycogen