How to determine the type of shape

How to determine the type of shape
 There is a classification of female figures according to the contours of the body: the ratio of waist to hips and breasts, body fat and other parameters. Depending on the type of the figure for women is recommended to choose a diet and weight loss methods. It is known that female figures are divided into "pears", "triangle", "rectangles" and "hourglass".  
 To determine your figure type, critical look at yourself in the mirror and measure the waist, hips and breasts. If you already shoulders hips, waist and in the presence of a flat stomach, curved hips, creating the impression of "heavy" lower body (full buttocks and thighs), you can safely identify themselves as "pear". This type of figure is called type A or "pyramid". For owners of the body is characterized by a slow metabolism and a tendency to deposition of fat below the waist (although the upper body may look thin).

Typically, these women gain weight quickly and do not like to engage in physical exercise. For them, it is recommended yoga bodyFitness, recreation swimming and so on. D. Extra pounds pear-shaped women quickly lost when the emotional outbursts - love, acceleration working rhythm, and so on. N. The best diet for them - proteins with low-fat (light fish, cheese) a lot of lettuce, vegetables, fruits, and unrefined carbohydrates (bread from wheat flour, boiled potatoes, brown rice).

"Hourglass", or type X has a narrow waist, full breasts and shoulder width approximately equal to the width of the hips. A striking example of an hourglass - Venus Botticelli. Fattening owner hourglass figure is usually on the buttocks and thighs. Metabolic rate they mean. For women, this type of useful aerobics, tennis, walking, swimming, yoga and dance as a serious work in the gym quickly get tired of them. Eat "hourglass" should be three times a day, limiting themselves to coffee and alcohol. Note that they can easily lose weight it is due to the regime. For owners of parameters hourglass recommended diet of fruits and raw vegetables, the main sources of protein should serve fish, poultry, eggs and low-fat dairy products. In the morning, it is desirable to have fruit with granola.

"Rectangle" or H type is characterized by small breasts, full legs and roughly the same ratio of the width of the shoulders, waist and pelvis. They have a tendency to the formation of fatty deposits in the area of ​​the thighs and abdomen. Metabolic rate is moderate. Temperament and physique "rectangles" approach squash, aerobics, running, swimming, and tennis. For them especially useful separation of power, and the main meal should be moved to the evening, because such women are usually "owls". Breakfast and lunch they should be easy, low-protein. For dinner, you can include a sufficient amount of protein and vegetables. To preserve harmony recommended intensity of exercise.

"Triangle" or the type T has a shoulder, which is much wider pelvis. Fat they postponed, mainly on the trunk (back, chest, sides). Characterized by the average rate of metabolism. The recommended diet - low fat. They need to eat less fat and sugar and more fiber. "Triangles" are experiencing an increased need for protein than other women physique. Woman Triangle usually "early bird": it is the most energetic in the morning. Therefore, it needs a large breakfast, hearty lunch and a light dinner. Of exercise is useful aerobics, swimming, jogging, cycling, energetic dancing.

Tags: type figure