How to determine the rate of your weight

How to determine the rate of your weight
 In modern dietetics, there are several methods for calculating the weight of the physiological norm. Some of them give an approximate result. More accurate enough, because take into account the individual characteristics of a person, such as age, gender, body type, health and lifestyle.
 First you need to know the type of the constitutional structure of the body (asthenic, normostenichesky or hypersthenic). It is defined by the index Solovyov - the volume of the brush at the thinnest point. For men and women Index Solovyov has a different meaning.
For men: less than 17cm - astenik; 17-20sm - normostenik; more than 20cm - hypersthenics.
For women: less than 15cm - astenik; 15-18sm - normostenik; more than 18cm - hypersthenics.

As an example, we calculate the ideal weight for a woman of 30 years, normosthenic type, height 172cm and weight 70kg.

The best known and perhaps the most simple method of calculating the ideal weight is considered Broca formula:
(P-100), where P - height in centimeters.
Experts advise to use this formula with two amendments. Firstly, the desired adjustment in accordance growth: 155cm consider below by formula (P-95) 156-165sm - respectively (R-100), 166-175sm - (P-105) above 175cm - (F-110) . Secondly, it is necessary to take into account body composition: asthenics the result is reduced by 10%, hypersthenics - increased by 10%.
Example: 172-105 = 67kg.

Nutritionists and doctors to determine the rate of weight using BMI - Body Mass Index:
In ÷ (R) 2, wherein B - Weight in kg (P) 2 - height in meters squared.
Evaluate the result in accordance with the WHO classification of BMI:
Less than 17, 5 - anorexia.
17, 5-18, 5 - underweight.
19-23 (for 18-25-year-olds) and 20-26 (over 25 years) - norm.
23-27, 5 (for 18-25-year-olds) and 26-28 (over 25 years) - excess body weight.
27, 5-30 (for 18-25-year-olds) and 28-31 (over 25 years) - 1 tbsp obesity.
30-35 (for 18-25-year-olds) and 31-36 (over 25 years) - 2 tbsp obesity.
35-40 (for 18-25-year-olds) and 36-41 (over 25 years) - 3 tbsp obesity.
Above 40 (for 18-25-year-olds) and 41 (over 25 years) - 4 tbsp obesity.
EXAMPLE 70 ÷ (1 * 72 1, 72) = 23, 7 (normal BMI).

Also to calculate the ideal weight formula is used Brock - Brukshta:
P-100 (P-100) ÷ 10 (for women) and P-100 (P-100) ÷ 20 (for men), where P - height in cm.
Example: 172-100- (172-100) ÷ 10 = 64, 8kg.

According to the formula weight Potton rate is calculated as follows:
(P-100) -10%, where P - height in cm (as we can see, this is a simplified version of the formula Brock).
Example: (172-100) -10% = 64, 8kg.

Another formula ideal weight - Lorenz
(P-100) - (P-150) ÷ 2 where P - height in cm.
Example: (172-100) - (172-150) ÷ 2 = 61kg

Specialists are often calculated using the normal weight overall weight and growth rate:
P * RMC, where P - height in cm, RMC - overall weight and growth rate, the result is in grams.
For astenikov RMC is: 315 - for 15-18-year-olds, 325 - for 19-25-year-olds, for 335- 26-40-year-olds.
For normostenik respectively 325, 345 and 360.
For hypersthenics respectively: 355, 370 and 380.
RMC will reverse the formula (B ÷ F), where V - the weight in grams, P - height in cm.
Example: 172 * 360 = 61920g (61, 92kg) - ideal weight. Or 70,000 ÷ 172 = 407 (obtained RMC above normal (360), that indicates overweight).

As can be seen, when calculating the rate of the average weight ranges from +/- 5 kg (in our example, the ideal weight range was 61-67kg). It says that you can choose for themselves the weight in which you will be most comfortable. But beyond these standards is better not to go, because it can lead to problems with health.

It is important to consider the following points. These formulas are used to calculate the rate of weight gain in pregnant women, athletes (especially practitioners muscle building) and children (under 18 years). Older people in the calculation can easily be added to the result of 10%, as with the age of the human body physiologically inclined to corpulence.

Tags: weight, formula calculation, the rate of