How to calculate your ideal weight?

How to calculate your ideal weight?
 Today in our everyday life has become firmly established the Greek word "diet» («diaita» - «lifestyle"), meaning specially selected by quantity, chemical composition, calorific value and cooked diet, and diet. However, before you start losing weight, nutritionists advise to understand the issue: what weight is ideal for you.

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That is to define it up to 10 grams.

On the Internet you can find many calculators ideal body weight, which, unfortunately, did not disclose the formula by which calculate this figure. Therefore, it is not clear whether or not to trust them. For clarification on this issue, we asked the nutritionistValentina Dergacheva.

"Since the 40s of the last century, nutritionists developed more than a dozen methods of calculation of the ideal from the standpoint of human health ratio parameters -rasskazyvaet G. Valentine. - Taking them to the note, the person can see exactly to what weight it can lose weight without compromising the well-being and health. Or maybe he did and abandon diets, realizing that it was his performance - perfect. "

How to calculate your ideal weight?

The most simple and close to reality, according to Dergacheva method proposed FrenchmanPaul Brock. If your height is 156-165, then the formula is as follows: height (cm) -100. With the growth of 166-175 on the growth subtract 105. And accordingly with the growth of 176-185 subtract 110, with growth of 186 and above - 115.

But, as noted by a nutritionist to determine a more accurate indicator of need to take into consideration the type of your physique. There are only three:fine-boned, or asthenic (thin); normokostny (normal); hypersthenic (wide bone). Determine which of them is yours, in two ways.

1. In terms of volume (circumference) wrist, That which you write and often do some work.

"For women, the following indicators: the wrist less than 16 cm - it asthenic type; from 16 to 18 cm - normostenichesky; hypersthenic type - is more than 18 cm, "- says the physician. For men, the other figures. Less than 17 cm - thin type; 17, 5 to 20 cm - normal; more than 20 cm - boned.

2. According to the index Pine. Formula: SP = L - (P + T), where L - height (cm), P - weight (kg), T - chest circumference (cm). For example, your height 168, weight 57, the volume under the breast 76. We believe: 169 - (57 + 76) = 36. For more than 30 - a thin constitution (our case), from 10 to 30 - is the norm, less than 10 - a sign hypersthenics .

"So when you have determined the type of its constitution must make changes in the number you have calculated according to the formula Brock" - continues nutritionist. If you belong to the first, asthenic, type - subtract 10%. When giperstenicheskom - add as much. If your physique is normal, then the correct result for Brock is not necessary.

Let us consider the previous example. Subtract from growth of 168 105, turns 63. Make a "discount" on the asthenic constitution of the body 63 - 6, 3 = 57, 3.

"This is the ideal weight for Brock - sums G. Valentine. - But there is another method to assess the extent to which body weight is different from the ideal.This is the body mass index - BMI ".

Body weight (kg) divided by height (m) squared. Note that the increase is measured in meters. So, a person weighing 57 kilograms and growth 1, 68 m BMI = 57/1 682. It turns out 20, 2.
Now analyze the results. "If it happened less than 19, it would be underweight - explains Dergacheva. - 19 to 25 - it is a normal result. From 26 to 30 - overweight. 31-35 - moderate obesity. Above 36 - is already severe obesity. "

By the way, if you are determined to lose weight, but are not sure where the "Edge of Reason", then using the BMI can be calculated and it is. To do this, take the minimum index of the category of "rules" - a 19 - and are doing the opposite effect. 19 = X / 1, 682. Hence X = 19h1, 682. It turns out thatminimum weight, which does not threaten the health of skinny girls height 168 cm, is 53, 6 kg.

"Of course, these figures - that is to say, popularized version - says nutritionist. - More accurate, professional method of calculation takes into account many factors: age, occupation, the percentage of body fat, and others. But we reviewed the calculations can warn against excessive fad diets and weight loss. "

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Tags: weight, pregnancy, index, growth, diet, cell, constitution, computing, amenorrhea, nutritionist, hypersthenics