Harmony: between normal and disease

Harmony: between normal and disease
 On all sides the young girls and women see the promotion of harmony - dolls, pop stars, comics, magazines. On the one hand, a slender girl feels healthier and more active, more often receives compliments wearing any clothes. But on the other - passion fashionable diets can easily turn into a psychological dependence, the so-called anorexia, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.
 The fact that the girl became ill with anorexia, can be found on some deviations in behavior. Time to detect this disease, you will be able to help the girl, raising her self-esteem and persuaded to proper nutrition.

The girls who sit on diets almost always have a specific goal - to get into tight jeans or lose a few pounds in the past month. The girl stopped eating for no apparent purpose, should make you suspicious - perhaps this is the first signs of anorexia.

Dieters people generally unhappy with the restrictions anyway complain about the lack of favorite foods in the diet. Anorexia patients do not suffer the same, do not complain - on the contrary, fasting can cause euphoria, like drug addicts. That is why many anorexic hard to give up this way of life.

Notice how she eats. If it endlessly counting calories, refuses to sugar and fat, long chew each piece - it is for her real test. Patients with anorexia often try not to mix products to defile his ideas about the ideal. They did not refuse to eat - sometimes even keep it in my room, to strengthen their sense of control over the situation.

The lack of a full meal a negative effect on the activity of normal, healthy teenager, he becomes inert, avoid sports and tedious. Anorexic, by contrast, brings herself to exhaustion, is actively involved in sports, always in motion.

Onset of the disease is not always noticeable, as is often anorexic girl hides her - choose loose clothing, comes up with various excuses not to sit at the table. Excessive thinness sticking bones, haggard appearance, the absence of chest hair thinning split, a layer of nails - all this seems ugly ordinary man, but anorexic all this is not enough - it tends to lose weight on.

The collapse of the tissues reduces appetite, young skin becomes flabby, cyanotic. Patients with anorexia start fainting, weakness, muscle weakness, stop menstruation. Every fifth anorexic girl dies after two or three years after the onset of the disease.

Tags: girl, starvation, disease, norm, feature, anorexia, slim, euphoria