Ginger for weight loss, contraindications, ginger root, ginger tea

Ginger for weight loss, contraindications, ginger root, ginger tea
 Ginger - burning oriental spices. Since ancient times, highly valued medicinal properties of ginger. At one time even had ginger root circulation as currency in the east. Studying ginger root, the ancient healers found in it a lot of medicinal properties, cooks did not stint add it literally all the dishes - from liquid hot soups to gourmet desserts.

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Today women's magazine JustLady tell you about another wonderful properties of this amazing plant, namely how to use ginger for weight loss.

In homeopathic practice is used mainlyginger rootAlthough also have healing properties and its leaves. In order to lose weight is better to use dried plants - it easily absorbed by the body and has a stronger effect.

First, let's find out what useful properties hasginger root. According to research by plant contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2 and niacin as well as almost all of the essential amino acids. Also theginger root includes calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, iron, potassium.

Ginger for weight loss, contraindications, ginger root, ginger tea

Usingginger root treat impotence and infertility, liver disease and gastro-intestinal tract, bronchial asthma and the common cold, many other diseases. Also, ginger root has the property to stimulate the metabolism, increase heat production in the body.

Tea with Ginger - Truly a miracle drink. Depending on the method of preparation it refreshes and invigorates, promotes weight loss and eliminate toxins from the body, cures colds and upset stomach. But do not forget that as any, even a natural remedy, drugsGinger root has its contraindications.

So Muchtea with ginger not recommended for gallstone disease, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis and ulcers, allergies, increased body temperature. Heart diseases and hypertension, be sure to consult with your doctor.

Pregnancy and lactation are not a contraindication to the use of ginger root, however, in these cases, you need to drinktea with ginger with caution, and it is useful to a doctor's advice.

Ginger for weight loss

Most often, this plant is used in the idea of ​​tea. There are several recipes for ginger tea for weight loss, from which you can easily choose something for themselves.

Ginger tea for weight loss (Basic recipe)
A small piece of ginger root Clean and three on a fine grater. The output is 2 tablespoons of raw materials, which are placed in a quart jar or pot. Add 60 ml of lemon juice, a little honey and pour boiling water over the mixture. Leave to infuse for about an hour. After that ginger tea for weight loss ready for use.

Ginger for weight loss, contraindications, ginger root, ginger tea

When you first decide to apply poprobavtginger for weight loss, Start reception with half a glass of tea. In the future, you can drink tea with ginger to 2 liters a day.

Ginger tea for weight loss with a large weight
Strengthen action of ginger for weight loss help garlic, which, like ginger root, has a pungent taste, and thus is able to "drive" the digestive and metabolic processes.

For the preparation of 2 liters of tea with ginger in this recipe we will need about 4 cm ginger root, two garlic cloves, boiling water and steep.Ginger root and garlic clean and finely cut, ginger cut into thin slices better, like chips. All add up in a bowl and pour boiling water. After the infusion mixture is filtered through gauze. Now ginger tea is ready.

Ginger tea for weight loss with mint and cardamom
For this recipe you will need about 60 grams of fresh mint leaves, which need a good grind in a blender. They add half ginger root, also pre-shredded. In mixture fill a pinch of cardamom powder and fill with boiling water. Give it brew for 30 minutes. The mixture was then filter and it is topped up with a third cup of lemon juice and a quarter cup of orange juice. Drink cold drink.

Ginger tea for weight loss can also be used for other purposes. Here are some recipes that will help you not only lose weight, and to cope with other diseases.

Hot tea with ginger
This recipe will warm up and cheer up after a long stay in the cold.

Squeeze the juice of two lemons and adjust the amount of liquid to 300 ml of boiling water refilling. Add two teaspoons of honey and a little minced ginger root (can be ground). Drink divide into two portions, each of which pour 2 tablespoons of whiskey.

Drink made from ginger root and green tea

Green tea is brewed in the usual way for five minutes. Pour it into a thermos and add a little powdered ginger. After 30 minutes the tea drink can. He will not only lose weight but also to cope with a cough, displays the body of harmful substances and improve the complexion.

With the addition of ginger root, yarrow, peppermint and elderberry flowers, brewed as a tea, save from abdominal pain and indigestion.

Ginger for weight loss can be used not only as a tea.

During fasting days will help to achieve good results salad with ginger for weight loss. To make it, we need:
 - 1 part orange peel, ginger root and celery;
 - Two of the lemon and beets, baked in the oven;
 - Three pieces of fresh carrots.

All you need to cut, mix and add the vegetable oil.

Also promotes weight losschewing ginger root between meals or during a big feast, in the intervals between courses.

In conclusion it should be noted that you can make tea with ginger, ginger root or using powder. It is also very convenient for brewingginger tea for weight loss use a thermos. Losing weight with the help of ginger - not a quick process. However, if you take ginger tea for weight loss on a regular basis for a few months, you can see visible results. A welcome drink for a year can save you from a dozen or even more extra pounds.

Those who have lost weight with the help of ginger, note thatginger tea for weight loss - The first of its kind on the effectiveness of teas. And that to lose weight with ginger will be easier if at least limit the use of sweet and fatty foods.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: body temperature, dish, ginger, carrot, garlic, forum, feeding, diet, orange, drink, root, name, weight loss, review, vitamin, energy, recipe, property, influence, powder, drinking, child, exposure, infertility, the use, contraindications, weight loss, cardamom