Diet to reduce thighs and buttocks

Diet to reduce thighs and buttocks
 The modern woman is very little free time that she could spend only on themselves. And so you want to be beautiful and graceful. Lose weight in two ways: by surgery or compliance with a certain diet. Go under the surgeon's knife, not all ready. And the result is sometimes unsatisfactory. Much safer to solve this problem by using physical activity, a balanced diet and an effective diet.

Exclude from their diet butter, sour cream, ice cream, chocolate, fatty meats, and any other fatty foods. Try to eat more healthy foods: fruits, vegetables, seafood, rice, beans, cereals. It is desirable to eliminate from your diet sugar and other foods rich in them especially. During the diet to make it more effective, better workout. Choose what you like: skiing, skating, swimming, running.

Sample menu diet:

Breakfast: any fruit, a slice of black bread with tomato or cucumber and a glass of 1% yogurt.
Lunch: 200 g. boiled or steamed chicken, salad and tea.
Dinner: 200 gr. steamed vegetables (broccoli, beans, tomatoes), 250 gr. buckwheat, 150 ml. dry wine.

According to this principle, make a Statement on the menu every day. In this diet for two weeks can lose about 5 kg.

Very well go on a diet in watermelon, melon period. Watermelon perfectly excrete excess fluid, and melon has also healing properties. With these products the skin becomes firmer, toned and has a fresh and healthy appearance.

But remember, even the most effective diet you will not achieve the expected results if you do not do sports at the same time. The list of exercises every woman can think independently.

What should be the diet for the thighs and buttocks? Any diet should:

- Be balanced nutrition should be a fraction, and include only the useful and healthy products, nothing fried and greasy. Products should only be natural, no preservatives.
- There should be a delicious and varied that night was not attracted to the refrigerator in search of sweet piece of cake.
- Calculate calorie food, not only during the diet, but also after it.
- Includes a variety of drinking juices, water, teas, herbal teas.
- Calls for a combination of diet with exercise.

Observe this diet, and soon you will be able to appreciate the changes in her figure.

Tags: buttocks, diet, thigh, weight loss, reduction