Diet for Hypertension. Recipes

Diet for Hypertension. Recipes
 Hypertension - a disease of the cardiovascular system, which is to increase blood pressure and may be accompanied by atherosclerosis. Appearing once hypertension persists throughout life, though, may be a long time does not appear externally. No treatment results in various heart disease, stroke. Your blood pressure can be adjusted if watch weight, exercise, eat healthy and nutritious food, limit alcohol and cigarettes, take medication prescribed by the doctor. In this article, female site JustLady talk about the diet for hypertension and basic principles of nutrition at the same ailment.

Particularly importantdiet for hypertensionIf high blood pressure is suffering a complete man. According to medical studies, every kilogram of extra weight increases pressure by 1 mm Hg. Therefore, correct, diet in this case should not only normalize the pressure, but also contribute to a decrease in weight. Starvation and hard diet contraindicated in hypertensive patients, focusing on reducing caloric intake by reducing the fat content.

Diet for Hypertension: Products

Diet for Hypertension excludes the following products:

- Foods with a high content of caffeine (coffee, strong tea);
- Sharp, salty foods, meats, spicy dishes;
- Foods high in fat and offal;
- Cakes with butter cream;
- Alcoholic beverages

Salt - the enemy number one hypertensives. People suffering from high blood pressure, you can use no more than 5 grams of salt a day, and during exacerbation - to exclude it from the diet. At least one third of fat consumed hypertensive should be vegetable oils, RDA liquid - 1-1, 2 liters a day.

Diet for Hypertension must necessarily include foods:

- Lean meat and fish;
- Milk and dairy products (low-fat);
- Millet, buckwheat, oatmeal;
- Soups (mostly vegetarian, dairy and fruit);
- Fruits and vegetables raw or cooked;
- Foods rich in magnesium and potassium (apricots, dried apricots, apples)

Diet for Hypertension. Recipes

Exceptionally allowed twice a week to prepare soups based on lean meat. Very good prophylactic for hypertension is garlic, it can be used in any kind of food - cheese, dried and pickled. It promotes the excretion of cholesterol, improves the digestive system and the heart.Diet for Hypertension must necessarily include lemons and grapefruits - vitamin C contained in citrus fruits, strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Drinking fresh vegetable juices, especially carrot and spinach, as well as an excellent preventive and therapeutic agent.

An important condition for the power Hypertension is moderation in eating. Food, eat during the day must be divided into 5-6 receptions, dinner should be light and not later than two hours before bedtime. The need for sweet dishes can be satisfied by fruit creams, jelly, jelly and fruit compote. As vitamin supplements are perfect raw juices, broths from wheat bran and rose hips.

Diet for Hypertension, recipes

When preparing dietary meals is important to observe the basic rules of supply, which mentioned above: Avoid fatty foods, preservatives, spices, large amounts of salt. Women's Site JustLady give some recipes and recommendations on the basis of which it is possible to independently develop useful and tasty menu.

1.Easy fish soup. Bring 2 liters of water to a boil in a saucepan Cast diced potatoes, onions, carrots and washed rice, boil for 20 minutes. Jar of canned saury or mackerel in brine mash with a fork, add to the pan, cook for another 10 minutes. At the end put a bay leaf soup and pour 3-4 liters. vegetable oil.

Diet for Hypertension. Recipes

2.Chicken soup. For it will need 300 grams of chicken breast without skin, potatoes, carrots, onions and buckwheat. Pour into a saucepan 2 liters of water, bring to a boil and throws it diced or julienned vegetables and washed buckwheat. Chicken breasts cut into large chunks, lightly fried in vegetable oil and add to the pot. Cook until tender, sprinkle herbs.

3.Vegetarian soup. Chopped vegetables: beets, potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage stew with the addition of vegetable oil in a deep roasting pan until soft, add the tomato and fill with water. Cook for 15 minutes over low heat, add the finely chopped garlic and fresh herbs. Before serving in each bowl can put a slice of lemon.

4.Vegetable salads. Here, your imagination knows no limits. As a basis we can take any vegetables as filling use vegetable oil, lemon juice and low-fat yogurt. But such useful and, most importantly, delicious salad is perfect for the holiday table. He does not breakdiet for hypertensionContains only natural products. Grate the radish, add finely chopped egg. Cut into small cubes chicken, chop the onion and fry with chicken in vegetable oil. Put the onion in a salad bowl with chicken with radish and egg and mix. Bon Appetite!

5.Delicious desserts. The basis of sweet dishes should be fruits and berries. Of them mashed, jelly, jelly and compotes. For fresh fruits and berries, you can add dried apricots, raisins, nuts and seeds. Even if you followdiet for hypertension, recipes may contain small amounts of sugar. Therefore, you can use our recipe and indulge in a delicious jam, which can be cooked for 6 minutes. Take any fruit or berries (large need to grind), pour a small amount of sugar and place on 5-8 minutes in the microwave. Every 3 minutes fruit mix. Fragrant, useful jam without preservatives and with a small amount of carbohydrates ready - to lay the table and make tea!

Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: dish product, diet, recipe, hypertension, high blood pressure