Detoxication literally means "to make free from poison." That is, simply put, detoxification - the release of harmful substances (toxins).
Polluted air, poorly treated water - all this poison our bodies, and people struggling with these factors as much. However, few people think about the fact that the toxins are introduced into the body constantly, with our blessing and full consent.
Recall, for chemicals, these "essential home helpers", cosmetics, hair styling and more, from what we already can not refuse.
It is not superfluous to recall and food. First of all, these are useful vegetables and fruits that during growth is treated with pesticides.
Even fewer people remember that even healthy foods in the wrong combination can easily "give birth" to the toxin.
And it is very few people attaches importance to the fact that it is very useful and grown in environmentally friendly conditions the product may eventually reward our body toxin, simply because we have swallowed, not really bothering work jaw.
A natural question arises: under these conditions, how do we manage to cross at least 30-year mark?
Quite simply, just in case
The body of each person is provided with bodies able to serveNatural detoxification of the body. The liver cleanses the blood, kidney and urinary system removes toxins from the water, the intestine removes too much food after processing, etc. The natural detoxification work and exercise, to help the body eliminate toxins from the respiratory tract and from then through the skin.
It is clear that all this clearly works in a completely healthy body. Even better if the body does not receive such poisons additionally, that, unfortunately, is virtually impossible.
Trite achievements of modern civilization literally do not leave us a choice, and even under the most healthy way of life, we still obtain and accumulate in the body of toxins. Over time, the natural processesdetoxification worse, the body can not cope with the load, organs and systems fail. As a result, we get sick and age prematurely.
Therefore, it is logical to assume that there must be detoxification methods that can support the body, restore natural functions and in some way to bring back youth.
And there are such methods.
Unfortunately or fortunately, but a lot of them, they are different and sometimes conflicting. Some, such as the Council in the course of the program to significantly increase physical activity, while others strongly recommend not to overstrain. The same applies to the recommended products, diet, other cleaning methods.
Deciding that we needdetoxicationWe sit on all sorts of diets, arm enemas, fast, take special preparations. As a result, our health even more compromised: stomach exhausted regular starvation, all the vitamins and macro washed with plenty of fluid from the intestine removed all the "working" with the help of bacteria cleansing enemas.
In light of this, I want to clarify thatdetoxicationOf course, everyone is required, but this should be handled strictly individually, which can only be done by the doctor. All relatively harsh methods are only suitable for use in clinics, under constant surveillance.
At home, the same conditions should be carried out only sparing types of detoxification and that is the main condition,do it regularly. It is the regularity of such cleanings will help maintain the natural function of cleansing the body and not harm.
And, of course, having a regular detoxification should not be complacent.
What does this mean?
We all know that the disease is easier to prevent than to cure. The same applies to the purification of the body.
Efforts should be made to let a smaller toxins.
How to do it?Eat more fresh fruits and vegetablesWhich should be well pre-wash and not too lazy to chew thoroughly.
Preferable to separate foodMethods are well described in the literature.
Fast food, fast food and other goodies that are so convenient to swallow on the job, does not contributedetoxification.
Excess weight generally quite harmful phenomenon, but in terms of all the toxins and dangerous. The fact that certain poisons is accumulated in the adipose tissue. They are able to sit there quietly enough, poisoning the body gradually and imperceptibly. But if we start losing weight (which some do punctually), as all this poison sea rushes into the bloodstream, released into the process of burning fat.
And much depends on whether the doctor will have time to understand what kind of illness so quickly destroys our body.
Sport activities are mandatory, Howdetoxification method and a support body after it. After all, during exercise our metabolism speeds up, we are actively breathe and sweat, the system operates at high speed. All this allows us to get rid of toxins.
Needless to choosing suitable places for walking and outdoor activities.
Be sure to drink water. You do not need to turn into a "man-pool", but normal drinking regime is needed, especially after exertion.
Here it is necessary to mention the reception
vitamins and minerals. The more water we drink, the more quickly the body gets rid of it, and the nutrients are literally washed away in the process.
Of course, ideally, should have to give up household chemicals, living in a polluted city and all move closer to the nature of pure water bodies. Alas, this is not possible. But we can at least tryto minimize the amount of chemicalsWith whom you come in contact in their lifetime.
In conclusion, I want to summarize.
At some point,
detoxication the body becomes necessary for each, as their own, he can not cope. But to do it better with the resolution (or better yet, under the supervision of) a doctor.
Should be selected programs offering more natural methods (use of herbs, vitamins, exercise and so on), and (if there is no need) to abandon those that use any drugs.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady