Cheap effective diet

Cheap effective diet
 Exotic diets on shrimp and pineapple thing is definitely nice, but not every woman can afford such expensive dishes. Today women's magazine JustLady offers cheap effective diet to help lose weight without causing significant damage to the wallet. If we analyze the most famous diets, we see that the most inexpensive - hard monodiets. Nobody will complain that broke on potato, rice, kefir diet.

A diet for water, tea, coffee and even wine - all a fairy tale. A day to fill the stomach fluid, only occasionally dropping back a little piece of something edible.

Another typeinexpensive effective diets - Low-calorie diet. In the course are usually the most simple products, but if you choose, and more expensive, then the recommended servings so minuscule, it is unlikely that will hurt the family budget.

However, these diets there are obvious disadvantages. Monodiets virtually impossible to observe more than 3-5 days without damage to health. Low-calorie diets last longer, but also quite easily get bored.

Today I want to offer you twocheap dietWhich, according to the general trend, do not contain a lot of calories, or based on a single product, but it has some variety and, in the opinion, quite easy to carry.

Cheap effective diet

Bean diet

Diet inexpensive and effectiveSufficiently satisfying and enjoyable even if you are, of course, like beans. Beans can be used dried and cook yourself or buy canned in jars. Per serving of salad are no restrictions, but still try to keep yourself in their hands and not to eat more than usual amount.

During a diet, it is desirable to limit the use of salt. Water is recommended to drink 1, 5-2 liters, and it must be clean drinking water without gas. This large number is necessary that you do not feel natural problems with bloating.

You can drink coffee or tea, but not recommended to add sugar. Before going to bed drink a cup of yogurt without sugar or plain yogurt. For a week on this diet, you can lose 5-7 kg.

Day 1
B: yogurt (200 ml) and a piece of cheese (30-40 g).
2 breakfast: fresh berries or fruit or a handful of dried fruit.
Lunch: Beans (100 g ready), vegetable salad with vegetable or olive oil, tea without sugar.
Dinner: beans (100 g), salad, a glass of tea.

Day 2
Breakfast yoghurt or cottage cheese (100 g) cup of coffee or tea without sugar.
2 breakfast: fresh berries or fruit, or some dried fruit.
Lunch: Beans (100 g), salad sauerkraut or fresh vegetables, tea without sugar.
Dinner: beans (100 g), fish (100 g), boiled, baked or stewed tea without sugar.

Day 3
Breakfast: a cup of yogurt or a piece of cheese.
2 breakfast: fresh berries or fruit, or dried fruits.
Lunch: Beans (100 g), vegetable salad with vegetable or olive oil, a glass of tea without sugar.
Dinner: beans (100 g), salad, tomato juice (200 g).

Day 4
Breakfast: cottage cheese (100 g), a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.
2 breakfast: fresh berries or fruit, or some dried fruit.
Lunch: Beans (100 g), fruit salad.
Dinner: rice (50 g), boiled or roasted meat (100 g), tea without sugar.

Day 5
Breakfast yoghurt or cottage cheese (100 g) cup of coffee or tea without sugar.
2 breakfast: fresh fruit or berries, or dried fruit.
Lunch: Beans (100 g), salad sauerkraut or fresh vegetables, tea without sugar.
Dinner: beans (100 g), salad, boiled potatoes (2 pcs.), Tomato juice (200 g).

Day 6
Breakfast: cheese (30-40 g), a cup of tea or coffee without sugar.
2 Breakfast: yogurt (200 g).
Lunch: cheese (100 g), salad, tea without sugar.
Dinner: beans (150 g) fresh fruit.

Day 7
Breakfast yoghurt or cottage cheese (100 g) cup of coffee or tea without sugar.
2 breakfast: fresh berries or fruit, or some dried fruit.
Lunch: Beans (100 g), vegetable salad.
Dinner: a portion of vegetable soup, beans (100 g), a glass of orange juice.

Cheap effective diet

Inexpensive Diet

Inexpensive effective dietIn which you can lose up to 5 pounds overweight effortlessly. Still, it is worth remembering the basic rules.

Completely eliminate sugar, salt - limit. Instead salt soy sauce may be used in unlimited quantities. Give up alcohol is not necessary. If you like beer, then you are allowed to drink a cup every three days. Fans of fine drinks can replace the beer glass of wine.

If you can not do without the sweet, eat a small piece of chocolate, dried apricots (3 pcs.), Prunes (1 pc.) Or a tablespoon of honey.

For proteins taken meat, beans, cheese, eggs. Sausage and other meat products from the diet is better to exclude.

In one meal can not have both proteins and fats. This also implies that the fry, for example, fried in butter can not be better to use a pan with a special coating.

Foods rich in carbohydrates (cereals, fruits, vegetables) can be combined. Thus it is possible to add only one product belonging to the proteins.

As long as you have not developed a user-friendly diet, you can eat whenever you want, but the last meal should be no later than 20 hours.

Need to drink about 2 liters of fluid a day. Choose the best easy clean water without gas.
Tea and coffee is better to exclude, but if necessary, the limit up to 2 cups a day. Sugar, milk, cream can not be added.

Day 1
Breakfast: barley porridge, boiled in water without oil (200 g).
2 Breakfast: a cup of yogurt.
Lunch: vegetable soup serving (300 g), a couple of slices of rye bread.
Dinner: hard-boiled egg (1 pc.), Fresh salad, carrots, onions, apples (200 g).

Day 2
B: rice porridge water without adding an oil (200 g).
2 breakfast: boiled egg (1 pc.).
Lunch: vegetable soup (300 g), rye bread (2 slices).
Dinner: yogurt (200 g), salad from fresh cabbage, onions and apples (200 g).

Day 3
Breakfast: boiled egg.
2 Breakfast: yogurt (200 g).
Lunch: vegetable soup (300 g), rye bread (2 slices).
Dinner: buckwheat groats, boiled in water without oil (200 g), fresh salad, carrots, onions and apples (200 g).

Day 4
Breakfast: apple and carrot (150g), grate, season with olive oil (1 tsp.).
2 Breakfast: yogurt (200 g).
Lunch: vegetable soup (300 g), a sandwich of corn bread with cream cheese, tomatoes and herbs.
Dinner: 1 grapefruit, cottage cheese diet (150 g).

Day 5
Breakfast: apple and carrot (150 g) and olive oil (1 tsp.), Boiled egg.
2 Breakfast: a cup of yogurt.
Dinner: noodle soup with chicken broth (300 g), salad from fresh cabbage, carrots, onions, apples (200g).
Dinner: boiled chicken without skin (150 g) with ketchup (1 tbsp. L.), A slice of rye bread.

Day 6
Breakfast: oatmeal with slices of fresh bananas, apples (200 grams) of olive oil (1ch.l.).
2 breakfast: a glass of apple juice.
Lunch: tomato soup (300 g), rye bread (2 slices), stewed mushrooms (150 g).
Dinner: buckwheat porridge with stewed vegetables (200 g).

Day 7
Breakfast: oatmeal with slices of fresh bananas, apples (200 g) with a teaspoon of olive oil.
2 Breakfast: yogurt (200 g).
Lunch: fish in a creamy sauce (250 g), a slice of rye bread.
Dinner: herring fillets salted (150g) potatoes, cooked in their skins (150 g).

Day 8
Breakfast: apple and carrot (200 g) grated, seasoned with olive oil (1 ch. L.).
2 Breakfast: apple juice (200 g).
Lunch: tomato soup (300 g), a sandwich of corn bread with cream cheese, tomatoes and herbs.
Dinner: appetizer of shredded beet (250 g) with vegetable oil and nuts (50 g), rye bread (2 slices).

Day 9
Breakfast: oatmeal with slices of fresh bananas, apples (200 g), with a teaspoon of olive oil.
2 Breakfast: a cup of yogurt.
Lunch: meat with vegetables, grilled (250g)
Dinner: baked potato with vegetable oil and sauerkraut (250 g).

Day 10
Breakfast: grated apple and carrots (150 grams) of olive oil (1h. L.), Boiled egg.
2 Breakfast: yogurt or pudding (125 g).
Lunch: vegetable soup (200 g), a slice of rye bread, pilau rice and dried fruits (200 g).
Dinner: Honey (1 tbsp. L.) Or dark chocolate (10-15 g).

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: diet