Version that the reason lies in the bruxism infecting organism worms and other parasites, completely refuted by scientists. But nervous overload, stress, accumulated fatigue, which are characteristic of many people in our rapid and turbulent age, are the most common factors that cause bruxism.
The disease can lead to undesirable consequences, such as erasing enamel and a further loss of teeth, the development of painful temporomandibular syndrome, as well as the appearance of pain in the head, neck and back. To prevent this, the need to carry out certain activities aimed at addressing the causes of the disease.
First, one should not compress the teeth during the day, except during meals. Secondly, the necessary anti-stress and obscheuspokaivayuschie procedures that include a walk before bedtime, exercise, as well as receiving sedatives fees, are sold in pharmacies or cooked own prescription offered by traditional medicine.
These infusions are generally based on the use of medicinal herbs having desirable properties. For example, peppermint leaves trifoli, valerian root, hops flowers, taken in the ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1, or valerian root, caraway seeds, chamomile flowers, taken in the ratio of 2: 5: 3, or marigold flowers, oregano, tansy, taken in equal parts.
Along with the anti-stress treatments need to perform relaxing exercises, correct mode of work and rest, as well as eliminate from the diet products, has a stimulating effect. It is advisable to twice a week to take baths with infusion of herbs or hay dust. In addition, it is recommended to bore jaws chewing raw vegetables or fruits or relax them with hot wet compresses, strengthen tooth enamel, using tea tree oil or propolis.
Additional sources:
- Bruxism in adults, causes and treatment. Grinding his teeth in his sleep