Body mass index: the calculation and interpretation of values

Body mass index: the calculation and interpretation of values
 The most important question for the girls of summer - how to get fitter. A woman wants to go to the beach season in perfect form: slender waist, beautiful long legs, the ability to wear skirts, shorts, sexy bikini. But do you know what it is, a perfect figure? And know this is necessary if going to "play" with her weight.  

Of course, there is no universal recipe slimming that suits everyone indiscriminately, nor is there a single canon of beauty. However, there is an indicator that allows you to determine how the body fit and healthy. This figure - known to many body mass index. Most have heard about it, but not everyone is able to calculate it. Make it very easy - count is conducted independently for a minute. So do not overpay "registered dietitian", promising to calculate the index of the famous - it's just to make the most.

Because every girl has its own individual constitution, it is impossible to say exactly what the ideal settings. At the same height and weight woman with one type of figure may seem slim, and with another - puhlovatoy. Therefore, the body mass index implies a certain backlash, which is able to vary the ratio of height and weight, while ignoring the best.

So, before you go on a diet or get together on a long outing to the gym, it is necessary to determine at what level the body mass index scale you are. Body Mass Index - an international setting that lets you compare your current weight with normal, insufficient, excess. The value of this index can be found by dividing weight by height in meters squared. The formula to calculate as follows:
Body Mass Index = weight (kg) / height squared (m).

At this stage, the question arises: what says the resulting value, for better or worse? For interpretation of the index, there is a special scale. It divides the value of the index as follows:

• If the BMI & lt; 19 - you are underweight;
• If 19 & lt; BMI & lt; 24 - your normal weight;
• If 25 & lt; BMI & lt; 30 - you are overweight;
• If the BMI & gt; 30 - is obesity.

As can be seen, for each category there is a certain interval. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with that, or throw to score during the year 3-4 kg. You will still be able to remain within acceptable limits. In addition, all very much depends on the type of your figure. Of course, the closer the index figure to the lower or upper limit of the interval, the closer you are to the appropriate category.

In addition, if we assume that the growth in the adult is a value substantially constant, it is possible to reverse determine the ideal body weight for each. Take this to the value of approximately midway interval of normal weight (about 22), multiply it by the square of height in meters. On the resulting figure can be guided as a kind of ideal.

Probably, many women are prone to exaggerate the flaws in his figure, considering the index, understand - not so scary, and quite normal. If you have any problems with the calculation of the index on the Internet today, there are many free online calculators to calculate body mass index. For example, the most advanced body mass index, waist-to-ratio increase, the percentage of lean body mass and fat.

Tags: mass index, weight, body, value calculation, interpretation