Allen Carr: an easy way to lose weight

Allen Carr: an easy way to lose weight
 Among the many diets and food systems to get rid of excess weight, each of us is looking for the easiest way to the inexpensive. Especially advanced into account while also favor such food for health, aiming for a more natural and nutritious diet. Allen Carr, and with it the women's magazine JustLady, offers to consider another easy way to lose weight.

Until the early 80s of the last century, hardly anyone had heard the name of the successful businessmanAllen Carr. First began to talk about him after he wrote a book dedicated to the new method of quitting.

The method has been tested many times and has yielded positive results, and its author became famous. Determined not to rest on our laurels, he began developing a similar method to reduce weight.

The main requirements that apply to their work Carr, this ease of use and maximum health benefits. We can not say that all happened at once, but as a result of long work finally published a bookAllen Carr's "Easy Way to Lose Weight" (In the Russian version of "Easy way to lose weight").

In fact this is another method, involving the separation of power, the use of mineral and rejection of "bad" foods. But this method has some peculiarities. Let's look in more detail, we offers Allen Carr.

Allen Carr: an easy way to lose weight

Easy way to lose weight: surrogates

This term refers to the author of all the products that are harmful to humans. This includes everything that has undergone one or handling, all that can not be eaten without any additives and all the culinary delights that contain large amounts of carbohydrates, but do not provide your body with the necessary energy.

If we consider more specifically, whatever you are grilling, cook, do can and so on. D. In food is not necessary. Desserts, sweets, pastries - too. Moreover, the author refers to substitutes as many products that we used to take quite natural and even necessary.


Allen Carr in his book, insists that the meat did not need a man, moreover, it is harmful to health and does not and a little bit of energy, which he made to attribute.

The author explains that our stomach does not contain a sufficient amount of acids and enzymes to digest meat, which is the game developer intended method was supposed to be eaten raw. But cooked meat and hard to stomach, and thus slows digestion. And if we can not eat it, do not add salt and pepper do not, and even without adding the sauce, then it is not a natural food for the body unprofitable.

Milk and milk products

Here, too, we do not leave a choice. Milk, according to Carr, only small children to digest in the stomach that have a special enzyme that processes milk. After a certain age, children, and even more adults are not able to digest it properly, that is, again, hurt the stomach.

More abnormal the author believes to drink milk animals of their own species. That is only intended for a child the mother's milk and cow - exclusively for the calf, and so forth.

At first glance it seems that after such severe restrictions we can only vegetarian diet: nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, grains. On fish, by the way, the author also did not forget and he brought it to the list of substitutes.


This is another product that we should not eat, buying ready-made systems in pharmacies. The fact that the authoreasy way to lose weight are encouraged to focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, which means that a day we will be getting enough vitamins and minerals from plant foods.

However, all is not so simple and at the same time not so bad. On the one hand, difficulties arise even permitted food, because, for example, cereals and grains that we buy in the shops already been processed: they cleaned, flattened or steamed, if not izmololi in thin flour.

On the other hand,easy way to lose weight by Allen Carr allows us to use up to 30% per day surrogates, with the proviso that the rest of the diet would be useful products. That is, if you are not going to join the ranks of vegetarians, you may well be able to afford animal protein and something delicious-useless in the redistribution norm of 30%.

How to determine which group is the fact that you are now going to eat?Alan Carr offers a simple and straightforward way: useful for all that you can just pick up and eat anything that requires treatment, flavorings and similar contrivances - surrogates.

Easy way to lose weight: the basic rules

As you can see, the power supply system still gives us a choice and not forced to give up the familiar (surrogate) food at all. But the effect of this power is unlikely to be noticeable if you do not follow the basic rules.

Rule one. Do not overeat. Try not to impose on the plate too much food and eat slowly, chewing it well. Then the brain time to time to give you a signal that you are satisfied.

Second Rule. Do not snack. Between meals there is no need to have anything else, saysAllen Carr. If you suffer from hunger 2 hours after a hearty dinner correct, it means that you have nothing to do. If you're hungry, because for a long time did not eat, and the ability to fully lunch is not expected in the near future, and you can have a meal, but only useful fruit instead of chips or chocolate.

Third Rule As for just eating fruit. Allen Carr suggests, there is a breakfast only fruit and nothing else. So you can be sure what exactly have time to eat per day required 70% wholesome food. Besides fruit - vitamins and liquid is needed body.

Next time on fruits, their use is separate from everything else. The fact is that if the stomach together with sweet fruits ingested food another species begin putrefactive processes which cause diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. So if you eat fruit, you can not have anything more until the next meal.

Rule Four. All other products can be combined with vegetables. This is a healthy and useful combination, vegetables and digested with the meat, and, together with pasta.

But the meat and pasta (proteins and carbohydrates) is better not to combine together, because they are poorly digested, once in the stomach at the same time. However, if you really want, you can break this rule, but proteins and carbohydrates then you need to take very little, to complement the rest of vegetables. This isThe fifth rule.

Rule Six. In one meal does not use a lot of different kinds of products.

Rule Seven. For one meal you can eat only one kind of surrogates.

 Easy way to lose weight: drink

The most useful and natural drinks, arguesAllen Carr- Is pure water (preferably mineral) and freshly squeezed juices from vegetables, fruits and berries. Coffee and tea, says the author, can not be considered natural and useful, despite its plant origin, because they are absolutely impossible to drink without sugar or other additives. They have a bitter taste in the "original" form does not bring pleasure.

Alcohol, too, of course, is bad. However, if desired beverages data may be included in small amounts in the diet in the 30% of normal repartitions surrogates.

Also the authoreasy way to lose weight believes that it is not necessary to pour a huge amount of liquid. To quench your thirst enough one glass of water or juice because during the day, if you eat right, you will eat a sufficient amount of juicy fruit.

In conclusion, I wish to note that the easiest way to lose weight has a lot of positive reviews, despite the fact that Allen Carr destroys many of the ideas and postulates, which brought up a generation of people. So, I think if you have not tried anything like this method deserves to experiment.

And do not forget about weight control. Daily weighing the author are not welcome, but once a week is recommended to stand on the scales, to enjoy the results.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: forum, fashion, audiobook, review, Allen Carr, Allen