The phenomenon is so desired parameters of the female body has come into our lives from the fashion catwalks. At the end of the XX - XXI centuries. the gold standard of beauty came to be considered is the top model. Their template parameters with a slight hint of anorexia recognized standard to which all should aspire without exception. But who set such a standard? Why 90-60-90? Why should she suffer eternal ruin your diet and health, just to seem like a standard factory doll? Today, there are several interesting hypotheses corresponding to the above questions.
Simple human laziness. Why do fashion designers complicate your life, if to create outfits for hudyshek much easier!
Aesthetics. Narrow long dress itself looks flawless. After all, how often, looking through fashion trends, we see that they are not created to decorate the girl, and, quite the contrary. One gets the impression that the designer created his masterpiece for its own sake, without taking into account for whom he created. It turns out that a person with his character and features of appearance fades into the background.
Live interpretation standard dummy. 90-60-90 parameters - it is only average data standard dummy, which made all the fittings and improvements. If fashion designers had to sew on a particular girl - achieve mass sales would be very, very difficult. Much easier to round up to the average parameters memorable stencil, and then find the model that will answer him.
Thus, the collection is created, it remains to select live mannequins with parameters shape, as close as possible to the artificial dummy. That is why the choice in most cases stop on models meet the necessary criteria. But to achieve the best effect and show created a masterpiece in all its glory is much more convenient for a tall girl (or "racks", as they call them fashion pros). Therefore, the potential model, except for the "ideal" standards required to be tall, short girls access to the fashion catwalks often denied.
It is believed that the numbers 90-60-90 mankind owes design engineers standard dummy who do not feel the need to bother yourself thin calculations.
From the above conclusion is that if a girl does not have serious plans modeling career - not something to aspire to such a ridiculous figure parameters. No precise reference and should not be. Much depends on the growth and the different physical characteristics of women. Considered optimal proportions 2/3 volume of waist-to-hip or chest volumes.
But for a truly beautiful figure is not only proportional to the ratio, but also corresponds to the growth and body type. The most elegant looking women who have so-called "thin" bone - they will look irresistible at almost any growth.
Most models have the same average ("sports") type, which is at a high growth creates the impression of chiseled ideal figure. Undersized same owners of this type of call girls who have "everything in it." If a woman has a big-boned type, the notorious 90-60-90 parameters will look very unattractive.
Of course, it is not necessary to follow the insanely fashionable canons. After all, put on a new trend that you are not talking - tasteless and pointless. Women's appeal consists of very many criteria and model parameters - not the main one. The best thing a woman can do - find your perfect size, in which she will feel comfortable and organically. And help her in this can own reflection in the mirror and say a true connoisseur of female beauty - men.