You - my breath ...

 People have been known to get used to everything - joy, big money, good weather and even the bad smell. So many people do not realize that they have mouth smells bad.

From this unpleasant friends, acquaintances, relatives, business partners, colleagues. Usually they delicately silent, but there are exceptions. It's no secret that the breath can worsen relations between people.

Psychologists believe that the first impression of a new acquaintance for the vast majority of people is the most stable, moreover, it is rarely changed. What to do to bad smell did not spoil your career or personal life? Deal with it!

A drop of nicotine and more

Bad breath, or halitosis, - a very common disease. According to statistics, it affects about half the population of the globe.

The main reasons:

- Smoking;
- Alcohol;
- Diseases of the oral cavity;
- Consumption of food with a pungent odor;
- Improper oral health care;
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Deal with them

So smoking. Nicotine and other malodorous substances which comprises a tobacco smoke, gradually accumulate in the soft tissues of the oral cavity and the teeth. Smoking dehydrates the tissues of the mouth, and yet it washes away bacteria and saliva has disinfectant properties. Similar phenomena causes and alcohol.
Untreated tooth decay, gum disease, poorly made dental crown - all this can also cause halitosis. Irritating odor surrounding eaten on the eve of raw onion and garlic.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by heartburn, belching, abdominal rumbling complicate not only health, but also communication. In this case, the obligatory consultation of the gastroenterologist, who will appoint the appropriate treatment.

The Golden Rules

Usually a person is trying to resolve the problem yourself, good medicine now offers a range of toothpastes, sprays and deodorants for oral chewing gum. Certainly, it is necessary funds, but, unfortunately, have only short-term effect.

It is best to go to the doctor, to reorganize the mouth, to make the necessary examinations, quit smoking or reduce cigarette consumption to a minimum. It is also helpful to rinse your mouth more often during the day (it dissolves and washes away the bacteria) and drink more water (it makes up for the lack of saliva). Be sure to once a year to remove tartar.

The perfect place for bacteria are language and interdental spaces. Let your bathroom will have a permanent residence permit brush to remove plaque on the tongue and dental floss to clean interdental spaces. It is very effective in most cases you will pleasantly surprise result, fresh breath is retained for the entire day, and if the procedure is still carried out and at night, then disappear familiar to many bad breath in the morning.

As a radical measure dentists can offer to put on night special dental caps containing a substance that releases active oxygen, with a strong antibacterial effect. Barely a week of this treatment you will forget about halitosis as a nightmare.

Between this and then

As a home remedy can be advised to eat more fresh apples, they are very refreshing mouth, green and black tea also support normal microflora, they contain antibacterial substance called polyphenols, which helps get rid of bad breath. You can chew after eating a few grains of coffee or fresh parsley leaves.

Facilitates understanding

Find out if you have halitosis, you can own: Pull the language as much as possible, so to touch his wrist that part which is closer to the throat, in other words, the rear part of the language. Smell: that's what they feel around, talking to you. If you do not like the smell, you now know what to do.

Oksana Gerasimenko

Tags: treatment