Start with what to eat as much fruit and vegetables. In autumn they are filled with vitamins. Vitamins A, C and E will clean your body of toxins, pollutants, free radicals that accumulate in the body, can lead to various diseases. And in the autumn fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins that strengthen the immune system.
It should be noted chokeberry. It helps to reduce the pressure and possesses anti-sclerotic effect. You can combine it with wild rose and currants.
Seabuckthorn - a storehouse of vitamins. It is full of vitamin C.
Cranberries are also rich in vitamin C and pectin substances.
Another tip: Do not lean on sugar and sweets. It has been proved that a large amount of sugar lowers immunity.
Take advantage of our recipe for overall health and strengthen the immune system, including: take 300 grams of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, walnuts, honey and one lemon. All of this fray, you can in a meat grinder, and it is very tasty and terribly useful.
Help strengthen the body and wellness treatments. They all have long known: pouring cold water or douche.
Decoctions of various herbs are beneficial to the immune system. Rosehip stands at the forefront in the number of vitamins and health opportunities. Will also increase the strength of immunity such herbs as echinacea, St. John's wort, celandine, ginseng, of course, garlic.
If you are not allergic to bee products, be sure to include them in your diet. It is not only honey, but also propolis, pollen. Honey will stand guard and effectively protect you from colds, besides it soothes and rejuvenates.
Numerous studies have shown that dairy products contribute to the immune system. This refers to products containing live lactic acid bacteria (yogurt, acidophilus milk, yogurt).
Effective means to enhance immunity - fish oil. Besides, he's not the kind of nasty liquid, which was sold in the last century. Fish oil is now produced in a convenient capsule.
Pay attention! Stressful situations greatly undermine our strength, and we become susceptible to various colds. Therefore, if possible, not be nervous, do not take everything to heart. Learn to relax, calm down, relieving the burden of problems. If you come home from work, where you had to be pretty nervous, sit or lie down, close your eyes and think of something good, turn quiet pleasant, relaxing music. Removing the stress, you help to restore immunity. Take care of yourself and stay healthy.