Muscles windpipe constantly passed air flow to the lungs. In the dream, they relax a little, but does not stop breathing. People who suffer from apnea during sleep, breathing channel is significantly reduced, which leads to snoring and brief interruptions of breathing. The reason for this stop during sleep may be an increased volume of the neck.
Stop breathing changes dramatically attempts to resume breathing, which is accompanied by loud and sharp breaths snoring. As a result of the disruption of the respiratory system leads to disruption of sleep and biological rhythms of your body. In addition, during the disease decreases the level of oxygen in the blood, which leads to fatigue and drowsiness that can lead to injury in the workplace and to road traffic accidents. This disease is mainly exposed to fat people and the elderly.
To effectively treat sleep apnea, it is necessary first of all to normalize life, and take medications that the doctor has prescribed. The primary task will be to get rid of excess weight, as well as complete smoking cessation, abstinence from alcohol or sleeping pills.
In order to facilitate the prevention of snoring and breathing stops apply a special mask, which is based on a positive and continuous air pressure in the airways. The air pushes the tongue forward, thereby pharynx opens and the air could easily come to the respiratory channel. The mask is not a method of treatment, it can only help make breathing easier. In some cases, surgical intervention.