Pinched nerve during exercise

Pinched nerve during exercise
 Pinched nerve is a consequence of the strong pressure on him to surrounding tissues. As a result, violated nerve function. Pinching is possible anywhere. The symptoms that will distinguish this phenomenon from other diseases include: acute pain, which has a burning character and aggravated by coughing or sneezing, tingling, muscle weakness or cramps in the place where there was a pinched, numbness. If the consequences of crushing pass quickly, then in the future it will not cause any health effects and can return to normal life. But when symptoms persist for several days and are not removed after resting or taking pain medication, seek medical help.

Pinching possible during many sports, especially wrestling, bodybuilding and some others. The most common cause of nerve entrapment during sports are the repetitive monotonous movements, especially accompanied by physical activity. More severe cases is pinched due to injury.

Keep in mind that if you have symptoms of entrapment is necessary to eliminate the factors that caused it - change the posture, ceasing to perform awkward movements to pressure on the affected area stopped because the state will worsen if the pressure continues, it will complicate the further course of the effects and may cause damage nerve.

For the diagnosis of entrapment along with the study described the symptoms of nerve conduction study is used by means of electrodes that transmit electrical impulse, and electromyography, which is a test to measure electrical activity in the muscles.

The most common treatments are the physical therapy, and the use of drugs, anti-inflammatory effect. In cases where the jamming has arisen due to trauma, surgery may be needed to eliminate the impact on the nerve. To prevent entrapment of the nerve during exercise is recommended to follow preventive measures: to maintain a level posture periodically perform stretching exercises, take breaks in the course of employment. These recommendations will help avoid the negative health consequences.

Tags: time, method, class, sports, jamming, treatment, cause zaschimlenie