Frigidity is the inability of women to experience orgasm, anorgasmia.
Frigidity may be temporary or permanent; can be caused by psychological reasons or physical illness. Modern medicine believes that in most cases, frigidity is treatable, although the process is often long, complex and requires patience from both the doctor and from the patient.
Frigidity treatment should be individualized, comprehensive. In the first place should be clarified and possibly the cause of the frigidity. To exclude diseases such as hormonal imbalance, congenital malformations of the genitourinary system, the woman should undergo a gynecological examination. If gynecological pathology is detected, the patient was referred to a psychologist, sex therapist or psychiatrist.
In the treatment of frigidity caused by psychological reasons, modern medicine has identified the following areas:
• Psychotherapy, including autogenous training;
• Physiotherapy;
• Drug therapy.
Psychotherapy is recognized by modern medicine primary method of treatment of frigidity. It is important that the therapist conducted interviews not only with women, but with both spouses (partners) at the same time. The aim of psychotherapy is to help partners to adapt to each other in the correct assessment of the situation.
The therapist explains the spouses need to create a secure environment for the possible removal of nervous tension woman holding preliminary foreplay before intercourse. In some cases, partners do not have information about each other's erogenous zones and how to impact on these areas. Explanations therapist give the opportunity to correct the situation.
If frigid women is associated with heavy, unpleasant memories, positive effect can give autogenous training or yoga.
Physiotherapy although plays a supporting role in the treatment of frigidity, but not necessarily part of a complex of measures prescribed. Apply physiotherapy techniques such as vibration massage and electrical stimulation of the pelvic floor; hydrotherapy in the form of contrast (hot and cold) sitz baths and rising soul.
Drug therapy is appointed in modern medicine for the treatment of frigidity, diverse. This means obschestimuliruyuschie (ginseng, Pantocrinum, Siberian ginseng); and antidepressants or tranquilizers in the case of depressive patients oppression; and vitamins for overall strengthening of the woman's body in the event of severe asthenia.
Finally, there are specific drugs to enhance sexual sensitivity and activity (Tribestan, Laveron, Generic Female Viagra). Prescribe these drugs should only physician self unacceptable and can cause harm.
As the prevention of psychogenic frigidity can be called proper sex education girls, as well as protection of the child from the possibility of obtaining psychological trauma associated with the development of sexuality.