Immunity folk remedies

 Immunity - the ability of the human body to resist pathogenic attack from the external environment. Nonspecific (innate) immunity peculiar to man as a biological type, we inherit from their parents. He protects us in those cases where an individual immunity has not been formed (so it is important breastfeeding until at least six months - it was during this period formed the primary acquired immunity, and before that a child from diseases protect it receives milk maternal antibodies). Specific, own immunity - it is an experience of your body to fight germs and toxins accumulated during the previous "battles." Women's magazine offers winter JustLady plan to mobilize and strengthen the body's defenses.

In the category Women's Health: Reflexology

The immune system, which is based in human lymphoid system - a faithful guardian, under whose leadership the special organs, cells and tissues around the clock and vigilantly track down the "trespassers". Reactionimmunity called the invasion of immune response: a foreign invader is detected and removed, causing them Lata gap, increases the efficiency of the reaction by repeated penetration of the same causative agent.

However, the enemy is crafty and constantly improved, mutating and adapting. Aimmune system under the conditions of modern urban life is under constant threat of weakening, and, sadly, blame it ourselves. Take care of yourImmunity and paying attention to his "pumping", we are investing in their healthy future. Well, continue to sniff and complain about the endless cold sores, or try to help their overburdenedimmune system?

Stress and relaxation

"Oh, so many times told the world" - that these words I want to preface any mention stress. But also to avoid it will not work: the constant mental stress, deadlines, time pressure became traditional satellites working mood. Lack of positive emotions and the absence of normal emotional cycles, as well as lack of rest, disrupting the operation of the lymphoid system and thus degrade the quality ofimmunity. Add to that regular alcohol and nicotine poisoning in an attempt to "de-stress" - and that someone climbs from sores, ceases to be awesome.

In the cold season to worsenimmunityfactors added to the so-called "winter depression" caused by several factors. Chief among them - a decrease in daylight hours and a lack of vitamin D, synthesized by the body under the influence of sunlight. In addition, the need to wear warm clothing closed impairs the ability to receive tactile sensations that provokes the emergence of feelings of abandonment, uselessness, and the cold is a need for more high-calorie food, the easiest way to satisfy a heavy meal. It is a long time to digest, is poorly absorbed, and that's without any unfortunate body clogged with toxins ...

Nutrition and Vitamins

The main danger of vitamin D deficiency is not even that small children it can cause rickets, and in adults exacerbate depression. Recent studies have shown that regular lack of vitamin D causes the development of cancer cells.

This vital vitamin is a must for healthy functioningimmunity. One of the reasons that the flu season in the autumn and winter, is the lack of sunlight. For an adequate immune response necessary to develop antimicrobial peptides, the production of which the body uses vitamin D.

What other vitamins and compound directly related to the strengthimmunity? Of course, it vitamins C, A and E - the most important antioxidants, as well as zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, beta glucans (polysaccharides yeast). The best way to get them in sufficient volume - is to take specialized drugs. Also extremely powerful natural remedies to support the body's defenses are echinacea (a traditional remedy for Russia in the West is called "taiga miracle") grapefruit seed extract and olive leaf, bee pollen. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist to choose the best product.

But vitamin supplements do not remove the need for normalization table. A healthy, varied diet - the key to good digestion and metabolism, as well as a joyful mood! Fresh juices (not so much exotic fruit as seasonal vegetables), dried fruits and nuts, fish, whole grain bread and clean water - is necessary for each minimum. Do not forget the potatoes and porridge - carbohydrates give energy, as well as the "maturation" vegetables are accumulated and stored nutrients: cabbage, petiolate celery, carrots, beets. Drink milk and eat bananas - this will increase the level of essential amino acids tryptophan and "hormone of joy" of serotonin.

Movement and sport

What causes lack of activity? Blood is not enriched with oxygen, it changes the concentration and flow rate. As a result, the nutrients are delivered more slowly, and the decomposition products do not appear in time. He who sits on the ground, hunched like a sparrow can not concentrate on anything, indifferent to the world around them and this exhausted itself.

That is why it is so important in the winter just to force yourself to move. If you do not like or can not afford winter sports - replace their games in the fresh air or a casual walk (walk part of the usual transport route - count!). On frost change the tempo of your breathing, oxygen literally gush into the blood, red blood cell count to increase, improve lymph flow.

But do not forget that too much - too bad. Exhausting exercise worsen the conditionimmune system. Necessary to alternate phases of activity and rest. However, the rest is necessary in any case - learn how to properly and fully relax, you will do yourImmunitygreat help.

Simple rules for children and adults

- Regularly wash your hands thoroughly. Be in a sterile environment is detrimental toimmunityBut the basic rules of hygiene is not relevant. According to German scientists, if you three times a day, wash your hands with hot soapy water, it reduces your chances of getting the flu by 50%!

- Ventilate the living quarters. Too dry air dehydrates the mucous, and it ceases to cope with their patrol duties.

- Go to the Russian bath or sauna. Temperature change "trains" the body respond to fluctuations of heat and cold, and the cold will be less bothered.

- Do not rush to swallow pills (especially antibiotics) at the first sign of the disease. Even knock temperature, which is a natural feature of the immune response, it is necessary in the case when it is actually high and its presence causes the patient pain. Do not self - it does not help and hinderimmune system to cope with their responsibilities.

Olga mob
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: polyp, the immune system, vitamin, strengthening