How to take care of the senses

How to take care of the senses
 Living in a fast-paced world, solving many problems in life, people do not think about what he has done wonderful gifts nature. Does not think and do not appreciate, but simply take for granted the ability to see, hear, feel, taste, smell and touch.
 Understanding priceless senses comes only when the problems begin. Basically primarily affected eyes. Eyes are incredible load. Even when a person is resting, as it seems, the eyes are still working. Do not sit at the computer without interruption.

Give your eyes a rest every 40 minutes. Walk around the room, look out the window, you can just close your eyes for 5 minutes and relax. If I do not get off the urgent work, blink more often. So get the right eye moisturizing it. Do not think that breaking away from the monitor and start watching TV, you have changed the type of activity and made eyes rest.

Rules of reading familiar with the school. Even in the first class were all taught to sit, to direct the light and take breaks in the reading process. But as adults, most forget about these rules. Give up the habit of reading in the shadows, especially lying. Be sure to provide adequate lighting on the correct side. Do not read while traveling, it is better to dream about something pleasant - here time and pass quickly. And be sure to observe the rules of hygiene: do not rub your eyes with dirty hands, so as not to bring an infection. Beware of eye injury.

Rumor also severely affected, especially if you have a habit of listening to music on headphones. How often can see young people listening to it so that even standing next to people she heard through the headphones. Give up this habit. Music should sound, and not cry.

If you work in a noisy environment, you use the earplugs. Be sure to regularly wash your ears with warm soapy water. Periodically clean them, but do not use a sharp object to this, and take a special ear sticks. Protect your ears from the cold.

What sways smell, his loss at first glance does not have dire consequences. But just imagine that you can not feel the freshness of the sea or the aroma of coffee, not to mention their favorite perfume. Therefore, take care of your health and do not have a cold. If you are allergic to it, talking to your doctor, take prescription drugs.

Of course, not all tasters, not everyone needs a subtle sense of taste of the product. But how is nice to feel all the pleasures of food eaten. Therefore, give up too hot and cold food, it also helps to keep your teeth and. Do not smoke.

Tags: eyes, feeling the body, prevention