How to strengthen the blood vessels

How to strengthen the blood vessels
 Condition of blood vessels - one of the most important components of longevity, because they supply the internal organs of oxygen-rich blood and removes waste products of cells. That is why caring for them is so important.
 Those who want to strengthen the blood vessels, it is necessary to minimize the consumption of alcohol and stop smoking, as well as cope with stress. You should not wear too tight clothing; Pick up a shoe that will not adversely affect the blood supply. If you already have certain diseases associated with blood vessels, it is necessary to improve their condition, guided by the features of the disease.

So, for example, atherosclerosis in the walls of blood vessels there are plaques that cover the lumen and impede the flow of oxygen. In this situation it is necessary to balance the diet - eat more fish, vegetables, fruit and vegetables. From meat to refuse optional, but it is better to eat moderately, preferring chicken, but you can also use a limited number of lean pork and beef. Those who have this disease, it is necessary to control cholesterol.

No less common is the disease and thrombosis, which often occurs in people who every day is a long time in a sitting position or standing for long periods. Here an important role will be played by sport and physical activity. But do not forget about all the well-known truth that the disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so to meet these requirements should all at least as prevention.

To strengthen the blood vessels is also important to regularly eat a variety of seafood. Especially useful marine fish and fish liver. From time to time not buy in pharmacies and drink cod liver oil. Purification and strengthening blood vessels also contributes to the pumpkin. The most useful of it fresh juice, but you can also cook with it, and use a variety of dishes. Also important for vascular rutin and vitamin C, which may be components of a vitamin complex.

Do not forget about physical activity; for example, it may be dance classes, swimming, hiking or cycling. Useful for the circulatory system and long-term exposure to fresh air, so do not miss the opportunity to walk through the park or go to the suburban trip.

Tags: vessel condition, atherosclerosis, thrombosis