How to recover from alcohol

How to recover from alcohol
 The fact that the day after manifesting symptoms of alcohol abuse is hardly pleasant, known to many. And that's what it take to recovery of the body took place in the shortest possible time, not everyone knows.
 Only a small proportion (about 5%) of alcohol excreted in the urine, exhaled air and sweat. While the main part of it is oxidized within the body. Depending on the age, degree of intoxication and health, to the body completely recovered to the normal state, it may take several days.

First, you need to fight dehydration. This is very important as alcoholic beverages have diuretic properties and removed from the body necessary for muscle and nervous system sodium and potassium ions. One of the best options in such cases is considered to be non-carbonated mineral water, which makes up for the deficit of salts. Another drink that is considered in such situations classic - brine that can be cucumber and cabbage.

There are other drinks that are worth eat. For example, it may be tomato juice with the addition of salt or peppermint broth. In addition, you can drink some sour and sweet drinks. For example, as a morning cocktail can be whipped in a blender glass of natural orange juice, lemon peel and a few spoonfuls of honey. At the request of a drink, you can add raw egg yolk. There are those drinks that use is not recommended, for example, soda and coffee.

As for the meal, the first step is better to eat oatmeal or hot soup, chicken noodle soup or soup. After some time should eat and one or more of bananas, which make up a potassium deficiency.

In order to restore the lack of other substances, it is necessary, first of all, take vitamin C and vitamin B. And stocks can replenish amino acids preparation "Glycine" - drink 2 tablets immediately. To clean the body of toxins should also drink diluted in water activated charcoal.

Alleviate their suffering can and using other publicly available methods. The most effective of these include restful sleep and a long walk in the fresh air. No less useful and douches, but supply of hot and cold water when it is necessary to regulate the conduct of very smoothly.

Tags: body, Ambassador, alcohol syndrome